Unit 2

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Document that gave some rights to English people
    It was one of the first documents that gave rights to people, like the constitution now does
  • Mayflower compact

    A set of rules for a government made by the Pilgrims of the Mayflower
    It was one of the first new governments made with rules
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Rules made to set up a government in Connecticut river towns
    Another example of people making up a set of rules for a new government like the US did
  • English Bill of Rights

    Outlined rights of English people
    The Bill of Rights in the US constitution used a lot of similar ideas
  • Albany plan of union

    One of the first plants to create a government for the US colonies
  • French and Indian War

    After the war the British Government started to tax the US more and that started the US thinking about being independent
  • First Continentals Congress

    This was the first meeting of delegates from the 13 colonies of the USA, would eventually create the constitution
  • Second Continental Congress

    This was one of the first times the US decided to stand up against England
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declared that he US was independent from Brittan and was now their own country
  • Articles of Confederation

    The new US governments first attempt at a government, did not last very long and was replaced by the constitution
  • Shay's Rebellion

    The event that made the US government rethink the articles of confederation and led them to create the constitution
  • Virginia Plan

    Outlined that the US would have 3 branches in their government, this was further explored in the US constitution
  • New Jersey plan

    proposed a one house congress, the constitution ended up using this idea for the senate
  • Three-fifths Compromise

    Outlined the rules for African-American men voting in elections, said that each vote from the was worth 3/5s of a white mans vote