151211122139 vintage airtravel 9

Unit 16 Task 1- Development in air travel over the past 80 years

  • IATA

    In the aviation sector, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is essential. They strive to increase sustainability, efficiency, and safety while representing and assisting airlines around the world. IATA represents the interests of airlines, sets industry standards, and offers assistance and training.
  • CAA

    In the United Kingdom, civil aviation is governed and supervised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). They are essential to maintaining the security and safety of air travel. In order to assure compliance, the CAA performs inspections and audits, licences pilots and aircraft, and sets and enforces aviation regulations. In addition, they safeguard airline passengers' interests, encourage sustainable development, and look into unfortunate events.
  • AAIB

    Serious incidents and accidents involving civil aircraft in the UK are investigated by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). Their responsibility is to identify the root causes and aggravating variables of these incidents and offer suggestions for averting recurrence of the same problems.
  • Introduction- How Has Air Travel Developed Over The Past 80 Years?

    Introduction- How Has Air Travel Developed Over The Past 80 Years?
    There has been significant advancement in the air travel industry during the past 80 years.Travelling has gotten significantly safer and more accessible for people of all income levels. The modern technology on aeroplanes has advanced dramatically, and they now have longer flight paths and comfortable passenger seating. Airplanes used to be reffered to as tin cans because of their appearence.
  • British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC)

    British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC)
    British Overseas Airway Corporation divided into British European Airways and British South American Airlines following World War II. BEA concentrated on supplying destinations in Europe, whereas BSAA handled flights to South America. BOAC originally served long haul destinations such as Hong Kong and New York.
  • The Opening of Heathrow Airport

    The Opening of Heathrow Airport
    A single of the largest and most recognised airports in the world is Heathrow Airport, which is in London. From the time it originally opened its doors in 1946, it has been significant in the advancement of air transportation. Heathrow Airport's establishment was a major turning point for the transport sector since it gave the UK's foreign air travel a central location.
  • The Growth of Airports and Airport Facillities

    Globalisation, a rise in tourism, and the development of larger, more passenger-carrying aircraft all contributed to the expansion of airports. Airports all throughout the world expanded to handle more planes and passengers as air travel became more widely available and reasonably priced.
  • Development of Jet Aircraft- 747

    Development of Jet Aircraft- 747
    Boeing developed the 747, popularly referred to as the "Jumbo Jet," in the late 1960s. It was a huge project requiring a lot of technical and design effort. After many tests and modification, the original 747 prototype made its first flight in 1969 and went into commercial service in 1970. The 747's immense size, and capacity transformed air travel to this day.
  • The Rise of 'No-Frills' Airlines

    Over the past few decades, low-cost airlines, usually referred to as no frills airlines, have seen a notable increase in popularity. When compared to conventional full-service airlines, these carriers provide simpler, more affordable tickets for their basic services. Their primary goal is to offer reasonably priced transportation without charging extra for extras like in-flight meals, checked bags, or preferred seating.
  • Development of Jet Aircraft- DC-10

    Development of Jet Aircraft- DC-10
    Developed in the late 1960s, the DC-10 represented a significant turning point in aviation history.McDonnell Douglas created it with the intention of creating a wide-body aircraft that could transport lots of people over distances. To ensure performance and safety, a thorough engineering and testing procedure was used during the development phase.
  • Deregulation of The Airlines

    The process of getting rid of government oversight and limitations on the aviation sector is known as deregulation of airlines. It started in numerous nations, including the US and the UK, in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  • Laker Airways

    Laker Airways
    In 1966, Laker Airways was founded by Freddie Laker. This airline was originally a charter ailine until the morning of 5th February 1982 where the ailine had fallen into major debts of £270 Million. The best bet for the ailine was to declare bankruptcy.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_K2SrjeyaY - Video
  • Pan Am

    Pan Am
    A series of financial challenges and heightened rivalry in the airline sector led to Pan Am's 1991 closure. The airline was confronted with escalating expenses, such as elevated fuel prices and costly fleet servicing. These difficulties finally resulted in the airline's bankruptcy and its closure.
  • The Change in Ailine Check-In

    In the past, passengers had to physically show their travel documentation to airline employees at certain counters in order to check in in person. However, self-check-in and online check-in options have become more popular due to technological improvements. Many airports have installed self-check-in kiosks, which enable travellers to independently finish the check-in procedure.
  • Tightening of Security After 9/11

    Tightening of Security After 9/11
    Worldwide airport security procedures were greatly reinforced following the tragic events of 9/11. It was an essential reaction to guarantee the passengers' safety and welfare. Tighter security protocols were put in place, such as improved luggage inspections, body scanners, and more extensive passenger screenings. In order to prevent unwanted access, airports additionally strengthened cockpit doors.
  • Concorde

    Concorde, A supersonic airliner launched by British Airways took to the skies in March 1969. This was a huge success however the jet had its issues along its lifetime. In 2003, sadly the airliner had its final flight due to high expenses and upkeep as well as the very loud engines that broke the sound barrier.
  • Development of Jet Aircraft- A380

    Development of Jet Aircraft- A380
    Early in the new millennium, Airbus developed the A380. It began flying in 2005 and went into commercial operation the following year. The world's largest passenger aeroplane was developed through a major project integrating cutting-edge engineering and design. The A380 was built with more capacity and better passenger comfort in mind. However, the A380's production was stopped in 2021 as a result of shifting consumer needs and other causes.

  • Development of Jet Aircraft- B787

    Development of Jet Aircraft- B787
    2009 saw the B787's debut flight, and in 2011 it went into business use. The B787's development marked a major turning point in aviation history by giving out a number of improvements in both aircraft design and technology. The 787 has better seating for passengers, increased fuel efficiency, and a lightweight combined frame.
  • British Airline- British Airways

    British Airline- British Airways
    Based in the UK, British Airways is a well-known airline. It is among the biggest airlines in the world and flies to a lot of different places all around the world. They offer travel services for both domestic and foreign destinations.Routes that Britih Airways fly to include New York, London, Paris, Dubai and many more. BA have 2 main hub in London Gatwick and London Heathrow, these serve majore connections across the world.
  • Major Overseas Airline- Virgin Atlantic

    Major Overseas Airline- Virgin Atlantic
    Popular airline Virgin Atlantic offers flights to a number of locations across the globe. They are headquartered in the UK and provide both domestic and international travel services. Virgin Atlantic is renowned for its chic and cutting-edge method of flight travel and their very stylish uniform. Virgin Atlantic fly to places like LA, Johannesburg and Tokyo. Virgin Atlantic's main hubs are in London Heathrow and Manchester Airport.
  • Budget Airline- Ryanair

    Budget Airline- Ryanair
    Ryanair, which is Irish and British, serves cheap flights throughout Europe. Their 'no-frills' attitude to air travel and their affordable tickets are vastloy popular amoungst todays tourists. Ryanair prioritises low expenses while providing a large selection of destinations. They have are among the biggest cheap airlines in all of Europe. Their most popular routes of travel include Dublin, Mallorca and Rome. Ryanair's hubs are in Dublin Airport, London Stanstead and Barcelona El Prat Airport.