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Unit 1 APUSH

  • 1492

    America Discovered + Columbian Exchange

    • Native plants (tobacco, potato)
    • Cattle and horses introduced to America
    • "Sugar revolution" where slaves bought over
    • Europeans bought diseases like smallpox and syphilis (native populations decimated)
  • Period: 1492 to

    Spanish Conquistadors Explored New World (For God, Glory, and Gold)

    • Empire from California and Florida
    • Spanish cities and towns flourished
    • Cathedrals built, printing presses created, and distinguished universities founded
    • Brought culture, laws, religion to native societies (foundation for Spanish speaking nations)
    • Cultures fused
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    • Most New World land went to Spain (Portugal received some territory in Brazil + Africa/Asia)
  • 1521

    Cortes Defeated Aztecs

    • Led to three centuries of Spanish rule
    • Temples destroyed; replaced by Catholic cathedrals
    • Spanish created encomienda system: allowed government to give Indians to certain colonists for the promise that they will be Christianized
    • De Las Casas opposed
    • Black Legend
  • Price Revolution (Spain Had Abundance of Silver)

    • Increase in money supply -> capitalism
    • Foundations for modern banking system
    • Spread commerce and manufacturing
  • Treaty of London

    • Agreement of peace between Spain and England
    • English ready to begin their colonial empire in the New World
  • Virginia Company Gained Charter for New World

    Reasons for New World Exploration
    - Landlords enclosing croplands made many unemployed
    - Primogeniture only allowed eldest son to get holdings
    - Joint stock companies let investors or “adventurers” pool their capital
    - Colonists were pressured to “strike it rich” or be left to the wilderness
    - Virginia Company was meant to exist for a few years, after which it would be liquidated for profit
    Charter guaranteed overseas settler the same rights as Englishmen at “home”
  • Jamestown Established

    Early years of Jamestown a nightmare:
    - Settlers died from disease, malnutrition, and starvation
    - Though the land had many sources of food, the “gentlemen” wasted time searching for nonexistent gold