
Chapter 3-4

  • Oct 26, 1368

    Rise of Ming Dynasty

    Rise of Ming Dynasty
    Hongwu was the first Ming emperor after commanding an army that drove the Mongols out of China. His son Yonglo took power next and was curious about the World outside of China. He wanted to impress the world and expand China's tribute system so he launched one of seven voyages to show superiority.
  • Oct 26, 1405

    Zheng He takes first Voyage

    Zheng He takes first Voyage
    Zheng He launched seven voyages. The voyages were known for their huge size because they traveled long distances and had many ships come along that were big in size. He gave out gifts to show that the Chinese were superior.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus makes first Voyage

    Columbus makes first Voyage
    Christopher Columbus sailed out in search of a direct sea trade route to Asia. Instead he landed on an island in the Caribbean. He thought that he had reached the East Indies, but he was wrong. He named the island San Salvador.
  • Oct 26, 1492

    Columbian Exchange Begins

    Columbian Exchange Begins
    The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of goods between the Natives and the Europeans during the colonization of the Americas. They exchanged plants, animals, and diseases. The exchange changed the world that we live in today. The majority of natives had died of diseases brought by the Europeans.
  • Oct 7, 1494

    Spain and Portugal sign Treaty of Tordesillas

    Spain and Portugal sign Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas was a document that stated that Spain and Portugal would respect the Line of Demarcation. A line that seperated the land that belonged to Spain and the land that belonged to Portugal. The two countries had a rivalry over which lands belonged to whom before the line was created.
  • Oct 26, 1500

    Atlantic Slave Trade begins

    Atlantic Slave Trade begins
    Africans had been proven more useful than natives to work for the Europeans. Over nine million Africans had been imported to the Americas to work as slaves. The need for labor to be done caused the importing of slaves to the Americas.
  • Oct 26, 1521

    Cortes conquers Aztec Empire

    Cortes conquers Aztec Empire
    Cortes and his crew of six hundred others had landed in Mexico in search of gold. The Aztecs gave Cortes a share of their gold supply but it was not enough for him. He and his men attacked the Aztecs. They struck back at him but lost to the Spaniards.
  • Oct 26, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Pizarro and his army of men met the Incan ruler. They were greatly outnumbered by the ruler Atahualpa's army. Pizarro and his army ambushed the Incas and captured their ruler. Pizarro then captured the Incan capitol.
  • Oct 26, 1549

    Christian Missionaries arrive in Japan

    Christian Missionaries arrive in Japan
    Christian missionaries went to Japan to spread christianity. The Japanese ruler Ieyasu was not happy with over three hundred thousand Japanese citizens converting to Christianity. He banned Christianity and ebentually the Christians were drove out of Japan. Japan then became mostly isolated from the rest of the World.
  • Tokugawa shoguns rule Japan

    Tokugawa shoguns rule Japan
    The head of the government was the shoguns. This system of government brought Japan the longest period of peace and stability in its history. During this time Japan prospered and their population grew.
  • English found Jamestown

    English found Jamestown
    King James gave a company of London investors permission to found a colony in the Americas. The company sailed out and reached the coast of Virginia and claimed the land. They named it Jamestown after their king. At first jamestown was a mess, many people died of starvation and disease. After a few years the settlement became more stable.
  • Japan becomes Isolated

    Japan becomes Isolated
    Japan closed its borders, not letting anyone in or out of the country in 1639. Japan did this to get rid of the Europeans because they were changing Japan and showing them their ways. Only one trading port remained open only to trade with the Chinese and the Dutch.
  • Manchus establishes Qing Dynasty in China

    Manchus establishes Qing Dynasty in China
    The Ming dynasty was causing China to fall apart. The Manchus people invaded China and took over establishing a new Qing dynasty. During the Qing dynasty Chinas borders expanded. The Manchus kept old traditional chinese values and helped put the country back together.
  • Pope leads rebellion against Spanish

    Pope leads rebellion against Spanish
    A Pueblo ruler named Pope let a rebellion against the Spanish. He and his warriors managed to drive the Spaniards back to New Spain. For the next twelve years the natives had full control of the southwest region of the United States.
  • French and Indian war begins

    French and Indian war begins
    The conflict between the British and the French over land claims in Ohio Valley is known as the French and Indian War. The war became a part of the Seven Years' war. The French gave up their land in the Americas to the British, causing them to have control over the eastern half of North America.