Jan 1, 661
Umayyads Begin
Imam Ali is killed bringing an end to the rule of the four calpihs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali.) The Umayyad Rule Begins. -
Period: Feb 1, 661 to
Muawiyah's Rule
He introduced the hereditary succession. His son became the ruler after him. -
Period: Nov 13, 705 to Nov 13, 717
Expanded the empire westward to Morocco and Spain, and eastward to Transoxiana and Sind. -
Period: Nov 13, 724 to Nov 13, 743
Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik
He reached the limit of expansion. -
Nov 13, 732
The Battle Of Tours
The Franks stop the european expansion of Islam. The great battle was led by Charles Martel. They say that if the Franks didnt win, the Umayyads would have probably conquered all of Europe. -
Period: Nov 13, 744 to Nov 13, 750
The downfall
The mawali’s started joining he Hāshimiyyah, a religio-political sect that denied the legitimacy of Umayyad rule. The mawali's were a tool for the Abassids to over throw the Umayyads. -
Nov 13, 750
Umayyad's killed
The whole royal family was killed except for one person. Abd al-Raḥmān, escaped and established himself as a Muslim ruler in Spain (756), founding the dynasty of the Umayyads in Córdoba. -
Nov 13, 750
Battle of the Great Zāb River
Marwan II the last Caliph was killed in battle. -
Period: to
Son of Muawiyah's
He was the ruler for that amount of time. He order the assasination of Hussein because he thought that he could be a threat. -
Period: to Nov 13, 705
Abd al-Malik
Arabic became the states official language and the Greek and Persians were no longer officials. They were all replaced by the Arabic. The development of new coinage that replaced the old byzantine coins.