Period: to
U.S. Timeline 1865-2003
Reconstruction consisted of the 14th, 15th, and 16th amendments. This era led to the Jim crow laws, seperate but equal. The KKK reigned in this time period. -
Industrial Revolution
Could be known as the Glided Age. Construction of sky scrapers and canals. Changed long transportations for weeks to days. -
Spanish-American War
Conflicts between Spain and the United States. Treaty or Paris ends the war. TheUnited States got a lot of land when the war was over. -
Panama Canal
Took work from the French. Many Chinese were imported to work on the canal. Ships were able to stop at the Philippines to get a coal refill. -
World War 1
War between many countries in the world. Used bombs, planes, machine guns, etc. First time chemical weapons were used. -
From 1920-33, it was a ban on alcohol. Led to many secret clubs. Prohibition was repealed in the 20th Amendment. -
Harlem Renassiance
Was a cultural movement. Many greater writers, Intellectuals and patrons. -
The Great Depression
Decade preceding WW 2. It was an economic slump that was caused my inflation. Many people lost their jobs. The day it went worldwide is known as Black Tuesday. -
World War 2
Caused by the great depression. Millitary war against many major countries, last about 6 years and a day. -
Pearl Harbor
The day Japan attacked the U.S. Navy base in the lagoon of Pearl Harbor. This brought the United States into World War 2. -
The Cold War
LAsted until about 1991. Wasnt just one war, there were many in between wars. The tenset times were around the Berlin blockade (1848-1849) -
The Korean War
The war lasted about 3 years and was between North and South Korea. The United States played a huge role in for the North Koreans by suppling them with 80% of their troops. -
Viertnam War
Also known as the Second Indochina War. Lasted about 19 years, fought between NOrth and South Vietnam. The North was successful in the end. -
The Gulf War
Codenamed Operation Desert Storm. About 34 different countries were in the war but specificly the United States and Iraq. -
Al Qaeda terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. The towers were hit by 2 airplanes, and the third flew into the pentagon. Osama Bin LAden was the leader. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives. -
Operation Enduring Freedom
Another name for the Afghanistan War. This was the response to the attacks of 9/11. On going today. -
Iraq War
The UNited States invaded Iraq. There was a change in government power.