The U.S. sends an ultimatum to Chile after the Baltimore crisis which occured when two American sailors were stabbed. All members of Benjamin Harrison's cabinet were in favor of war except for Secretary of State Blaine. -
Russo-Japanese War
After Sino-Japanese War Japan sought to regain the land they had lost. However, the Russians also sought to expand and capitlize on new territory. Russia wanted to obtain control over the Sakhalin Islands. President Roosevelt acted as a mediater and was able to negogiate a peace agreement: Japan had control of Korea and Manchuria and Russia did not have to pay any war costs (Treaty of Portsmouth). Japan felt as though they "won" and America sided with them and gave their support. -
Spanish-American War
The Spanish refuse the U.S. ultimatum war breaks out over Cuban independence. America wins the fight for Cuba's independence with the Treaty of Paris on Decemeber 10th. American interest in the Philippines grows as it gains control over Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. -
John Hay established the Open Door Concept with China. This allowed for free trade in China. Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan were all interested. At this point, American interest in East Asia grew. -
Platt Amendment
Restricted Cuba's autonomy and diplomatic relations with other countries, internal fincancial policies (required Cuba to lease naval bases to US), and authorized US intervention to maintain order and preserve Cuban indepedence. -
Insular Cases
Supreme Court upheld Congress' authority establish an inferior status for Puerto Rico, as an "unincorporated territory." -
As the US and Colombia worked to negogiate peace and when Colombia refused the Hay–Herrán Treaty, there was a rumor that Colombia was looking to secede from Colombian Senate. The US then proceded to military force (warships) to prevent and Colombian desire to interfere. -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty stated that the United States was to be granted canal rates in exchange for financial compensation and protection. However, the treaty was ratified in 1904 and the canal was completed in 1914. At the time, the cost of the canal was $375,000,000. Today, the building of the Panama Canal would cost approximately $14.3 billion. -
Beginning of American occupation. 330 U.S. Marines were sent in to protect the interests of large corporations. -
Citizenship to Puerto Ricans
Gained citizinshep and political rights but remained an unincorporated territory. -
Poor Quality of Life for Puerto Ricans
Governor Theodore Roosevelt Jr. explains that poverty is widespread under American Capital.