Imp tailor

U.S. Imperialism

By Arekusu
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Treaty of Berlin
    The Treaty of Berlin guaranteed the preservatin of the rights of the US, Critish Empire, and Germany in Samoa and secured treaties with the Samoan regime. It ended in political shambles with the ratification of the Triparte Convention in 1899.
  • Hawaiian Anexation

    Hawaiian Anexation
    Newlands Resolution was passed by the House on June 15th 1898 and by the Senate on July 6th 1898. It was signed on JUly 7th 1898 and Hawaii was annexed.
  • Schurman Commission

    Schurman Commission
    Also know as the First Philipine Commission, the Schurman Commission is a group of five people headed Dr. Jacob Schurman. They were responsible for investigating conditions of the islands. They recomended establishing an autonomous civilian government.
  • Philippine American War

    Philippine American War
    Filipino nationalists rebelled against U.S control over the Philipines. The Filipines, led by Emilio Anguinaldo, were defeated by the U.S, under Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Spain gave up Cuba and ceded parts of Puerto Rico, Guam, West Indies, and the Philippenes to the US. The U.S however put restrictions on Cuba's government. The U.S also established Guantanamo Bay.
  • US goes to war with Spain

    US goes to war with Spain
    After the sinking of the Maine propaganda made people blame Spain for its sinking. The U.S delivers an ultimatum and Spain severes diplomatic connections. War is declared immediatly after.
  • Spanish American War ends

    Spanish American War ends
    Spanish fleets are defeated by the U.S and Spain issues for peace and negotiations. Both signed a Protocol of Peace on August 12th 1899, and then negotiated about the treaty of Paris.
  • America Gains Control of American Samoa

    America Gains Control of American Samoa
    Samoan control was disputed by the U.S, Germany, and the U.K. The Tripartite Convention was held in 1889 which divided Samoa into territories, giving the U.S American Samoa
  • Taft Commission

    Also known as the Second Philipine Commision, the Taft Commision granted legislative power and limited executive power in the Philipines.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    Restricted Cuba's autonomy in diplomatic relations and internal financial policies. It also required Cuba to lease naval bases to the U.S, and authorized U.S intervention to preserve peace and maintain order in Cuba.
  • Puerto Ricans granted citizenship

    Puerto Ricans granted citizenship
    The Jones-Shafroth Act was passed granting Puerto Ricans U.S citizenship.
  • Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

    Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
    The Constitution of the Republic of the Philipines was written for the approval of the U.S. It also gaurentees that the U.S will grant the Philipines independence.
  • Hawaii Becomes a State

    Hawaii Becomes a State
    Congress passed the Hawaii Admission Act in March of 1959 which permitted Hawaii to enter the Union. On June 27th 1959 a referendum asked if citizens wanted to join the U.S and it was accepted 17 to 1.