U.S History Timeline for Geography \

  • Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock 1500's

    Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock 1500's
    As the Pilgrims were traveling along the east coast, the Mayflower stopped on the shore of what is now Massachusetts. Then the Plymouth colony crew that was on board saw a large rock. The large granite boulder is now known as the Plymouth Rock. This rock was located on Plymouth Harbor and this was the second destination for the Pilgrims. The Plymouth Rock was the first solid land the Pilgrims set foot on.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionanry War was a battle between the British armies and the Colonists. The British had a large, well trained army and many beneficial resources. However, the Colonists had an excellent leader, George Washington and financial aid from countries in Europe such as France. These and many other factors such as the British commander errors, led to the Colonist victory.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independance was a document that was signed and adopted by the Conintental Congress. This occured at the meeting in the city of Philadelphia, PA. It states that the newly thirteen colonies would cease to belong to the British Empire. These colonies would become their own individual sovereign states. Congress then formed a new nation for these colonies to belong to, the United States of America. John Adams was the primary leader for enforcing independence.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was a time period when manufacture, agriculture, machinery, economics, transportation, technology, and socialism changed in England. This revolution changed the way people did things and reinvented them to new and more effecient fundamentals. Throughout the late 18th and early 19th century, the revolution brought new discoveries and ideas that spread all over over a period of time. The U.S also adapted some of these tactics and lifestyles. (Rural to Urban economy)
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a deal of purchasing land between the United States and France. France and Spain became close allies so the French gave this land to Spain as a gift. However, Napolean Bonaparte of France, had a desire to build their own empire in the North American land, the land was taken back from Spain in 1800. France, once again controlled this piece of land. However, the French needed to put their focus on their war with the British Empire. The land was sold to U.S. for $15 mil.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War determined what type of nation the Unites States would become.The Civil War started due to the differences between the Slave and Free states and what the Unites States would be. When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, he pledged to keep slavery out of the territories. This caused seven of the southern slave states to secede from the nation. The Confederate Army started the war in hope that they would claim the U.S for their own. The North feared this would break apart the U.S.
  • WWI

    WWI was a global war centered in Europe. It began when Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia beacuse Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist. This conflict grew quickly and soon enough France, Germany, Russia, and Great Britain were also involved. These countries got inolved beacuse they were all under treaties that obligated them to help defned other nations. and be allies to them. Germany first attacked Beligum on the way to the attack on France.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a time in U.S. history when the economy was dangerously low and the porverty numbers were extremely high.It left an incredible dent in the American society and culture resulting in millions of people homeless, without jobs, and starving. President Herbert Hoover refused to allow any sort of relief on the citizens. Many became depressed because they couldnt provide for their families.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl was a time period of endless droughts and was also one of the worst natural diasters in American history. The Dust Bowl was created by the farmers overfarming the land and soil. Also, conservation techniques was a factor. In 1932 there were Dust Storms and Black Blizzards that destroyed the soil and crops, therefore many of the farmers were forced to move to California. There was also plagues of centipedes, spiders, crickets, and grasshoppers in which lead to major health issues.
  • WWII

    WWII was mainly fought in Europe and Asia. It began when Nazi, Germany invaded Poland. Germany attacked Norway and Denmark followed by the countires of Beliguim, the Netherlands, and France. Most of Europe had been conquered by Nazi Germany, which was in leadership by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis inflicted terror everywhere, mainly against the Jewish people. Hiter enforced death camps and caused millions of deaths. The U.S. entered the war when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was between Eastern Europe and the Western World. the East was led by the Soviet Union and the West by the United States. The tension was great between these two nations fighting for supreme power however, they never actually declared war. The two superpowers fought for nuclear resources and also the space race as well. The U.S. was a capitalst nation and the Soviet Union was a communist. The two wanted ddifferent things and viewed economics & government differently.
  • 9/11 ;September 11, 2001

    9/11 ;September 11, 2001
    September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for the United States and New York. It was a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. The terrorists hijacked four american planes during flight. They then crashed the planes into the Towers killing themselves, and thousands of citizens in and around the buildings. The 19 men belonged to a terrorist group called Al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden. Due to this the Department of Homeland Securit was created. It helps to prevent terrorist attacks in the U.S.
  • The Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

    The Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
    On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake shook northeastern Japan, which lead to a disasterous tsunami. Many of the citizens in Japan are still recovering from this nastural diaster. The radioactive water was found leaking and spilling out from the Nuclear Power plant. Japn relies heavily on nuclear power because it is their main resource. However, the radioactivity was released chemically into the air.More than 230,000 people in Japan died and many residents have long term health problems.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    The Boston Marathon bombing was another terrorist attack. Two explosive bombs were set off near the finish line of the race. These terrible bombs caused 3 deaths and injured more than 260 people. Sixteen people lost their legs, including a 7 year old girl. The men were two brothers from the Soviet Union who spent careful time planning the whole thing. They were not part of a organized terrorist group. There is now a Boston Bombing Memorial and every year people go to pay their respects.
  • Ebola Entered the United States

    Ebola Entered the United States
    There has been four cases on Ebola in the Unites States since 2014. Ebola came from the country of Nigeria in Africa. It is a highly deadly disease. You can only get ebola by touching the blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola, or touching objects such as needles that may have been exposed to the disease. Ebola does not pose a huge risk to the United States. Symptoms can include: headache, fever, internal bleeding, chills, eye redness, and mental confusion.