I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. I grew up in Edinburgh. My childhood was tough.My faimly is very poor and we didnt have much. I grew up with a twin sister named Anya.When i was 21 I had gotton married to a scottish girl. Then i decided to move to America with my faimly but my father was very sick so i avoided it until his passing. I needed money deperatly now since my wife was pregnant so we moved to America. Now that I had somthing to gain. To get money for my family. -
Coming to America Event #1
I came to america may 8th 1885. I came to america with my family to have a better life. The only thing that went wrong was the men who greeted me and many others. They shouted screaming horriable things about us.I was greeted by Boss Tweed. He found me and my faimly a place to live and he found me the cotton mill job if i voted for him. Of course I took what he Offered. -
Starting Work Event #2
Today I started My job at the cotton Mill.There are not many white workers. People say its cause immigrants have a cheaper salarie the whites. All of us immigrants are hard workers we deserve a better pay then this. But we have to learn to deal because that how we got this job, Cheap Labor. Boss Tweed came into my work today saying to all the immigrants that he gave us this job so now we must vote for him once elction came up. somthing was just off about that guy.I just dont know what. -
Statue Of Liberty Event #3
Today I heard of the Statue of Liberty and how it was made to welcome immigrants. So i went back down to the Ellis Island station to go look for this Lady Liberty. I found her. She was enourmous and very beutiful. I wrote to my mother that I left back at home.I told her about lady liberty.I conviced her to come straight to America and we could all live in texas together. -
WORK! Event 4#
Today was like any other woke up ate some breakfast and went to work. Decept a man came in looking very angry Yelling at all the immigrants working here. He claims we stole his job. So i went over to calm him down and boom he punchs me right in the eye. My eye was purple and blue and it looked really swallon. So my oss sent me home WITHOUT PAY! Because it was my fault i interfeared with his yelling. So later that day I decided to go give the guy a matching eye. Then I Almost lost my job!! -
Tody I was fired for being scotish.Now that I already voted they had no use of keeping me. They said I was causing to much trouble with white men coming in and searching for working immigrants to hurt. They told me I should just go back to my homeland.I have thought about this which is very sad. It is just to dangerous. But I have to stay because my family needs the money.