U.S. History Review Timeline

  • Abraham Lincoln Gets Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Gets Elected
  • South Carolina Secedes From The Union

    South Carolina Secedes From The Union
  • Southern States Create Their Own Government

    Southern States Create Their Own Government
  • Jefferson Davis Becomes President Of The Confederate

    Jefferson Davis Becomes President Of The Confederate
  • Lincoln Is Inaguared As The 16th President

    Lincoln Is Inaguared As The 16th President
  • Civil War Formally Began

    Civil War Formally Began
  • Lincoln Declared Insurrection For 75,000 Militia

    Lincoln Declared Insurrection For 75,000 Militia
  • The Battle Of Bull Run

    The Battle Of Bull Run
  • The Battle Wilson's Creek

    The Battle Wilson's Creek
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends