J.P Morgan
J.P Morgan was one of the most powerful bankers in American history. He gave the Treasury gold when they ran out. -
Period: to
U.S. History VHS
By the time of 1880 most of the American population was working in a factory. Most people were helped by machines to make things. -
The old Immigration
The old Immigration is when lots of cultures from the old world came to try to prosper in America. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Final Battle between federal troops and the Sioux Indian Nation. Federal Government tried to arrest Sitting Bull. The ultimate result of actions like these pushed the Indians into reservations. -
Spanish American War
The start of American's control over several countries that were formerly owned by the Spanish. Many of these countries hoped that the US would allow the native peoples freedom, but the US chose imperialism instead. -
It was a massive war that took the old world and turned it into the new world. One of the biggest wars in the world. Millions died. -
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was a time period between WW1 and WW2 it was a time of fun and relaxation. With great music like jazz. -
League of Nations
The League of Nations was the precursor to the United Nations. It was created so that things like WW1 would never happen again. -
Great Depression
The Great Depression was the worst stock market crash in America to date. Millions of people lost their jobs. -
WW2 was caused by the unresolved problems of WW1. It was one of the biggest wars. It created lots of technology like nuclear energy and the jet plane. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was the first attack on America and its why America entered the war. -
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a big decision that decision was made by Harry S. Truman. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the first time anyone used a nuclear bomb and it was also the last time. Hundreds of thousands of people died all because of this bomb. It is still a very controversial topic people talk about today. -
Cold War
The Cold War was a time when the American people got scared of communism and the U.S.S.R was the king of communism. The Cold War was the first time people ever thought about a nuclear war that would end the earth. it was also the first time the U.S. military used M.A.D. It was the first time the government used television cartoons to train children. -
Civil Rights Movement
The civil rights movement was monumental for the right of black Americans. The civil rights movement was not just about black Americans. It was for all the cultures that were not given the rights they deserved. -
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a conflict between south and north Vietnam. America wanted to get involved because they did not want the spread of communism to increase. -
Women's Rights Movment
Women's Rights Movement was monumental. The Women's Rights Movement took over 150 years too get most of what they wanted. Still to this very day women still get lower paying jobs. They are also treated like they are less than men to this day. -
The internet was created by the Department of Defense in the 70's. Today we use the internet for many different things like research and entertainment. -
George H. Bush
George H. Bush was president during most of the Iraq war. He felt that it was the U.S. right to secure oil interests in the middle east. -
Information Revolution
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/information-revolution The Information Revolution was a time when personal computers became affordable and people could get information off of the world wide web. Having a computer became a new standard of living. -
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Desert Storm was the first war we had against Iraq. During Operation Desert Storm we were trying to take back Kuwait because of the oil supply.