U.S History

By AlexPep
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    Revolution and the New Nation. 1754 - 1820.

    During the period of early European colonization and settlement, the foundation of our nation was established. As the colonies grew into a country of their own right, the seeds of democracy were planted and we were soon propelled towards revolution against the British.
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    Civil War. 1850 - 1877.

    The Civil War, or the War between the States, was a major war between the United States (the Union) and eleven southern states (the Confederacy) that had seceded. Although the Civil War lasted for only four years (1861–1865), the Civil War era encompassed a more expansive time frame—the decade leading to the war (the antebellum) and the decade following it (Reconstruction).
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    Modern America. 1890 - 1930.

    The dawn of the twentieth century saw the convergence of industrialization, urbanization, and rapid immigration; an era known as the emergence of Modern America. The rise of the city as the port of entry for the immigrant population and as the center of business put strains on urban America. As more immigrants arrived to these shores and as our society gradually shifted from agrarian to urban industrial.
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    Great Depression and WWII. 1929 - 1945.

    The widespread prosperity of the 1920s ended abruptly with the stock market crash in October 1929 and the great economic depression that followed.On December 7, 1941, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.
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    Contemporary U.S. 1968 - 2020.

    Thanks to the information age, American discourse seemingly happens at warp speed. The Internet and more than 200 channels of entertainment, all available twenty-four hours a day, have created a noisy universe marked by great diversity. Millions of viewpoints clamor for attention via media as high-tech as blogs and as old as radio. Communication technologies have also brought a greater awareness of the world at large, spawning a new age of globalism.