U.S. History 1945-1988

By 208372
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a war between The United States and Soviet Union. It was caused because the Soviets were trying to spread communism to the whole world, which the U.S. would not allow. The phrase "race to space" was commonly used during the war to describe the U.S. and Soviet competition to get to space first.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was a metaphorical barrier that divided Europe into two sides, the free West and communist East. Later, the Berlin Wall was built, literally dividing East and West.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan hoped to rebuild the economy of Western Europe, and many people called it "Europe's New Deal", referencing the post-war recovery efforts.
  • Levittown

    Cookie cutter homes that were affordable and easy to build, contributed to "return to normalcy" after WWII.
  • NSC-68

    NSC-68 was a document that explained a method of containment towards the Soviets, stating that both sides would be militarily prepared for war if necessary.
  • Army-McCarthy hearings

    Army-McCarthy hearings
    These were trials led by McCarthy that accused innocent people of being linked to communism. McCarthy was later condemned for his behavior, and the term "McCarthyism" was created to describe his abuse of power and disrespect.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    5 cases combined into 1, outlawed the "separate but equal" only in public schools, no immediate implementation by government.
  • Massive retaliation

    Massive retaliation
    John Dulles' massive retaliation said that a Soviet attack on a U.S. ally would be met with nuclear assault on the Soviets(brinkmanship)
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Park's arrest led to a movement known as the "Montgomery bus boycott" which was a mass boycott against segregated buses, which helped initiate the civil rights movement of the South.
  • "In God We Trust"

    "In God We Trust"
    During the 50's, religion was growing at a very large rate, and the phrase "In God We Trust" was added to paper money.
  • New Left

    New Left
    The New Left was a rising social trend among the teens/college students at the time, and was defined by rejecting the mainstream American culture and going against their parents' conservative views. This movement started in the late 50s and lasted through the early 60s.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    CORE launched freedom rides, which were groups of black AND white activists who traveled South by bus to protest the unfairness of segregation in public transportation areas.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviets had missiles put in Cuba to face the United States, and after finding out from a spy, the United Sates had missiles put in Turkey pointed at the Soviets. Later, the U.S. and Soviets came to an agreement about the crisis, stating that the U.S. would not invade Cuba and the Soviets would withdraw their missiles.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act barred racial discrimination in employment, institutions, public accommodations. In addition, the Act banned discrimination based on sex.
  • My Lai massacre

    My Lai massacre
    The My Lai massacre was a massacre carried out by American troops which killed around 350 Vietnamese civilians
  • Stonewall Inn

    Stonewall Inn
    After the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gathering place for homosexual people, many of the gays fought back, rioting and demanding equal rights, and this sparked a movement of "gay pride".
  • Busing

    Busing was used to help the integration of blacks into society and to help lessen the racial segregation present in school systems and public areas.
  • Watergate

    The Watergate scandal was a scandal that involved the breaking-in of a democratic building by Nixon's men, which led to the downfall of President Nixon after the rumors of what happened.
  • Stagflation

    Stagflation was used to describe the combination of stagnant economic growth and rising oil prices(inflation) due to the oil embargo put on the United States from Eastern Arab states who fought with the U.S.'s ally, Israel.
  • Reaganomics

    Tax reforms which helped reduced the wealthy people's taxes by using "supply-side economics", also known as "trickle-down economics", which was a system of high interest rates to stop inflation and lower tax rates for businesses or wealthy people to elevate private investment.