U.S. History 1865-2003

  • The Industrial revolution begins

    The Industrial revolution begins
    A period in time when agrarian and rural communities became industrial and urban. This era lead to the making of the steam engine.
  • The reconstruction era begins

    The reconstruction era begins
    The era in which the government tried to fix the social the economic and the political problems. This era was recorded to have started in 1863 but a year before lincoln tried to stop political outrage.
  • The reconstruction era ends

    The reconstruction era ends
    The final point in which the economy is back on track and the political outbrakes are stopped. This era also included lincolns death.
  • The Building of the Panama Canal Starts

    The Building of the Panama Canal Starts
    The panama canal took seventeen years in total to build. It is approximately fifty one miles.
  • The Building of the Panama Canal Ends

    The Building of the Panama Canal Ends
    The canal being finished increases trade with higher rates of speed. More goods are shipped out and more are taken in.
  • The Spanih American War begins

    The Spanih American War begins
    Caused because of trade problems between the US, Cuba, and Spain. The US was trading more with Cuba than Spain.
  • The Spanish American War ends

    The Spanish American War ends
    Was ended because of our raid on Puerto Rico. Immediatley after we raided Puerto Rico Spai sent us a peace treaty.
  • The Industrial Revolution ends

    The Industrial Revolution ends
    The era of machinery and discoveries with machines comes to an end. The machines discovered in this era are still used but no more discoveries were found from this point.
  • US joins WWI

    US joins WWI
    The Us joins WWI due to the attacks on Lusitania and the Sussex. All the citizens of the US cried for war.
  • WWI Ends

    WWI Ends
    WWI ended because Germany was out numbered and out matched so they surrendered. This War was known as the war to end all wars because of all the blood shed.
  • The Beginning of the Prohibition

    The Beginning of the Prohibition
    The time period in which all alchohol was banned and could not be drunk or made. During this era there was alot of alchohol being made in peoples basements and alot of underground alcohol being made.
  • The Great Depression Starts

    The Great Depression Starts
    This is the in which sadness poverty and economic turmoil break in and the stock market colapses. This is the time period in which suicide is at one of its highest points in history.
  • The Great Depression Ends

    The Great Depression Ends
    The sadness is gone the stocks are back and the economy is better. Suicide rates are going down.
  • The Prohibition Ends

    The Prohibition Ends
    Alchohol is back to being sold and saloons re-open. People are all over happier than they were.
  • The Beginning of WWII

    The Beginning of WWII
    WWII was started by Germany invading Polun without warning. This caused an out break in the middle east of horror.
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    This is when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. They bombed us because we set an embargo on them and would not lift it. There are over two thousand casualties including civilians.
  • The Korean War Begins

    The Korean War Begins
    The war in which North Korea attacks South Korea. North Korea has help from both the US and the UK.
  • WWII comes to an End

    WWII comes to an End
    This is when the US formally stops all hostilities with Germany.
  • The Korean War Ends

    The Korean War Ends
    The war resulted in a stalemate and ended. There were over two million casualties in total from the two.
  • The Vietnam War Begins

    The Vietnam War Begins
    The Vietnam War was the prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States attempting to prevent the spread of communism. The Vietnam war has become a benchmark for what not to do in all future U.S. foreign conflicts.
  • The Cold War Begins

    The Cold War Begins
    The cold war began because of conflict and disagrement between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • The Vietnam War Ends

    The Vietnam War Ends
    Once all the US troops were extracted the North Vietnamese pushed further and took over South Vietnamese and Vietnam went back to normal. The US also stopped all hostilities towards Vietnam.
  • The Cold War Ends

    The Cold War Ends
    The cold war ended because of a stalemate.
  • The Gulf War Begins

    The Gulf War Begins
    The war started because the Iraqi's took US and UK citizens hostage in Kuiwat. Bush asked them to releasethe hostages for peace but Iraq said no.
  • The Gulf War Ends

    The Gulf War Ends
    The war lead to negotiations with Isreal, Palestinian, and Arab states. This also lead to treaties with Isreal and Palestinian Liberation.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom Begins

    Operation Enduring Freedom Begins
    The Alquida terrorists bombed the world trade centers causing the US to start this operation. more than eight thousand casualties and had the country outraged.
  • The Bombing of the World Trade Centers

    The Bombing of the World Trade Centers
    Bombers hijacked planes full of passengers and flew them into the world trade centers.There were more than eight thousand casualties.
  • Operation Freedom Ends

    Operation Freedom Ends
    A regrouped fleet of taliban members get into a firefight with US soldiers. This ends this part of the operation and 18 taliban soldiers.
  • The War Starts ( Operation Iraqi Freedom )

    The War Starts ( Operation Iraqi Freedom )
    The United states invade Iraq and try to take it. This war is also known as the second gulf war.
  • Sddam Hussien is captured ( Last event in 2003 )

    Sddam Hussien is captured ( Last event in 2003 )
    US troops invade further and capture Saddam Hussien. The war is post poned or stops for a few years.