U.S. Government timeline project

By Dc8478
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    Our declaration to England To begin our revolution towards freedom.
  • U.S. has a Flag

    U.S. has a Flag
  • Federalist papers created

    Federalist papers created
    85 essays created by 4 authors combined to be named "Publius"
  • Treasury system reorganized

    Treasury system reorganized
    the Continental Congress created an Auditor, Office of Comptroller, Office of Treasurer and two Chambers of Accounts. A committee was also selected to design the Seal of the Treasury
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    The Second Continental Congress established a committee of representatives from each colony to establish a confederated government for the United States.
  • Virginia Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom

    Virginia Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
    First introduced in the Virginia state legislature in 1777, the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom barred the establishment of religious tests for public office as well as any compelled participation in, or subsidization of, religious enterprises.
  • Northwest ordinance

    Northwest ordinance
    Originally titled “An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio,” the Northwest Ordinance established several key policies for the unsettled northwestern frontier. Among other things, the Northwest Ordinance required that the Northwest Territory
  • the Constitution of the u.s.

    the Constitution of the u.s.
    This document funded America and gave us our backbone it is the laws entrsuted to us by our Ancestors to follow during peace or war time. and how we go about running the country.
  • Department of war established

    Department of war established
    Department dedicated to national war efforts
  • The Department of Treasury was founded

    The Department of Treasury was founded
    President Washington approved of Congress’s proposal to create the Department of the Treasury. The Treasury Department is the second oldest department in the federal government.
  • U.S Postal Service created

    U.S Postal Service created
    Congress established the Postal Service on September 22, initially requiring the first Postmaster General to report to the President through the Secretary of the Treasury.
  • Federal judiciary act

    Federal judiciary act
    the Federal Judiciary Act established the structure and jurisdiction of federal courts, matters that Article III of the United States Constitution left unaddressed.
  • First U.S. Pension law

    First U.S. Pension law
    The first United States veterans pension law was approved during the first session of the U.S. Congress for invalid Revolutionary War soldiers
  • Ratified Bill of Rights

    Ratified Bill of Rights
    The first 10 amendments whichare crucial to explain what we can have and cannot have also explaining the laws between our freedom.