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U.S. Government - CB

  • 1215

    Limited Government was Created

    Limited Government was Created
    This was when King John signed the Magna Carta and this is how the limited government was created. The limited government moved it to the rule of law and not the rule of man, created a list of rules of law that not even the king could go against, and started taxes and trials.
  • Jamestown's House of Burgesses

    Jamestown's House of Burgesses
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    This document bound the Pilgrims together when they arrived in Plymouth. It made sure that everyone that signed agreed to follow and obey the legal system they were creating in Plymouth.
  • King Charles required to sign the Petition of Rights

    King Charles required to sign the Petition of Rights
    This Petition of Rights required monarchs to obtain Parliamentary approval before they can create/pass new taxes, as well as, the government not being able to unlawfully imprison people or establish any kind of military rule during times of peace.
  • The Civil War Started

    The Civil War Started
    Extended conflict between King Charles and the Parliament erupted into Civil War and in the end King Charles was defeated and beheaded.
  • Conflicts Between the Crown and Parliament Renewed

    Conflicts Between the Crown and Parliament Renewed
    The relationship and conflicts between the crown and the parliament was renewed.
  • William and Mary Were Chosen to Rule

    William and Mary Were Chosen to Rule
    William and Mary were chosen to rule, as long as they governed according to the statures of Parliament
  • English Bill of Rights was Passed

    English Bill of Rights was Passed
    This gave the freedom of speech and made it illegal for cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    They put a limit on sugar and made a higher tax on it.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This put a tax on stamps.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This is when British soldiers fired into a crowd and killed 5 of the colonist
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This is where revolutionaries dumped the British Tea into the harbor because the tax on the tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    These were four laws that were passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony for the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Declaration of Independence was Signed by the Delegates

    The Declaration of Independence was Signed by the Delegates
    The Declaration of Independence was signed by the delegates of the Second Continental Congress.
  • Articles of Confederation were Ratified

    Articles of Confederation were Ratified
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    This was when the Massachusetts farmers were rebelling over the prospect of losing land. The farmers attacked courthouses so that the judges couldn't foreclose on the farms and stormed military arsenal.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This helped establish a plan for settling the northwest territory, this included disputed lands, helped create a system for admitting states into the Union, banned slavery in the territory, and guided the nations Western Expansion.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    This was a meeting for drafting a new Constitution
  • Federalist Paper Gazette of the United States Published​

    Federalist Paper Gazette of the United States Published​
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    This established the three tiers of the judicial structure, which are: District Courts, Circuit Courts, and Supreme Court.
  • Whigs Countered with National Gazette

    Whigs Countered with National Gazette
    The Whigs is a party and they were countering the National Gazette because of some of the things that it stood for.
  • The First Amendment

    The First Amendment
    This is protecting the rights of the citizens.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    This established the power of Judicial Review
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    This amendment allowed the president to pick who the Vice President was/is.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Maryland taxed the national bank, the Court ruled bank was necessary and proper and Maryland couldn’t tax bank b/c it could weaken the national government, and the moto "The power to tax is the power to destroy."
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    This gave the right of a state legislature to award a monopoly to operate a steamship line between NY and NJ and the Court said only Congress has the right to regulate commerce between states.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    Enslaved man sued for his and his family's freedom after being taken to a free state​ and the Court said that Scott, as an African-American and previously property, was not a citizen, which gave him no legal standing to sue​. Called the “greatest disaster” of the Supreme Court​
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    This granted large tracts of land to states; states sold land and used money for colleges.
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    Established equal protection under the law.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Ended Chinese immigration to the US​.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This ruled segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal​ and created the “Separate but equal” doctrine​.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    This is the direct election of the Senators.
  • 16th Amendment Passed

    16th Amendment Passed
    This amendment gave Congress authority to set a federal income tax and this the main source of the US income.
  • Radio Became the First Form of Electronic Media​

     Radio Became the First Form of Electronic Media​
  • Americans Granted Citizen

    Americans Granted Citizen
    This made all non-citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States into American Citizens.
  • United States v. Miller

    United States v. Miller
    Ruled 2nd Amendment does not protect the right to have all types of weapons.
  • Minersville School District v. Gobitis

    Minersville School District v. Gobitis
    The Supreme Court ruled that a child could be expelled for refusing to salute the American flag or recite the pledge (these actions violated the child’s religious beliefs)
  • United States v. Darby

    United States v. Darby
    This upheld the Fair Labor Standards Act; Commerce Clause allows Congress to regulate employment conditions​.
  • West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

    West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
    The court reversed itself and decided unity was not a sufficient reason to overrule religious beliefs.
  • Korematsu v. the United States

    Korematsu v. the United States
    This upheld the involuntary internment of ethnically Japanese American citizens​.
  • National Security Council Established

    National Security Council Established
    Coordinates a national security policy, helps bring together the top military, foreign affairs, and intelligence officials in the administration, and was created during the cold war.
  • Television Replaced Radio as Most Influential Electronic Media

    Television Replaced Radio as Most Influential Electronic Media
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    This concluded in the separate but equal act was unlawful and that public schools should not be segregated
  • Edwards v. South Carolina

    Edwards v. South Carolina
    187 African-American students gathered at the state capitol to protest racial injustice and students did not end the protest when police told them to and were arrested.
    Court said the state had no authority to disperse the students, as they were protesting legally.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    This expanded the rights of people accused of crimes​ and created the "Miranda Rights."
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    Age Discrimination in Employment Act
    Protects applicants and employees of 40+ years old from discrimination based on age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, privileges, etc. of employment.
  • Loving V. Virginia

    Loving V. Virginia
    This struck down all state laws banning interracial marriage​.
  • Freedom of Information Act

    Freedom of Information Act
    Government must release certain documents to the press and public upon request.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines
    Schools couldn’t prevent students from protesting the Vietnam War​.
  • War Powers Resolution

    War Powers Resolution
    This made it to where the president must consult with Congress before sending any troops anywhere and Congress can force the end of military troops in any situation.
  • New Federalism Began

    New Federalism Began
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.
  • Congress Gave States Authority to Manage Welfare Systems with Block Grants

    Congress Gave States Authority to Manage Welfare Systems with Block Grants
  • 9/11

    This is the attack on the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center, when two airplanes crashed into them.
  • The Homeland Security was Created

    The Homeland Security was Created
    This is just responsible for improving the overall security of the United States.
  • District of Columbia v. Heller

    District of Columbia v. Heller
    This ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms for self-defense​.
  • D.C. v. Heller

    D.C. v. Heller
    Ruled 2nd Amendment right to bear arms includes the right to self defense.
  • McDonald v. Chicago

    McDonald v. Chicago
    Ruled 2nd Amendment applies to federal, state, and local governments; upheld 2nd Amendment.
  • Obergefell v. Hodges

    Obergefell v. Hodges
    This ruled that the states must grant and recognize same-sex marriage.