U.S. Expansionism: 1898-1919

  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American war initiated with the sinking of the USS Maine. America fought the Spanish in Cuba and in the Philippines. The U.S. defeated the Spansih navy.
    People invloved: McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt
    Foregin policy: The foreign policy was affected by this event because it was a war between countries and the foreign policy pretty much went out the window in these type of conflicts.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    Sinking of the USS Maine
    The U.S. sent a ship to Cuba to protect their goods there when Cuban revolutionists were trying to gain their freedom from Spain. The ship exploded without an actual cause, but America blamed the Spanish for this incident.
    People involved: McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt
    Foreign Policy: It affected the policy because it started tension betweeen Spain and America.
  • Aqcuisition of Hawaii

    Aqcuisition of Hawaii
    Hawaii was annexed in 1898. US settlers created sugar and pineaapple plantations there. It finally became a state in 1959, making it the 50th state in America.
    People Involved: President McKinley Foreign Policy: It didn't affect the Foreign policy much.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    New policy stating that all countries have trading rights in China. This policy was used to open Asian markets to US businesses.
    People involved: John Hay
    Foreign Policy: This impacted the foreign policy because it opened trading in China. It also opened other Asian markets to US businesses.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary was used to barred European countries from using force to collect debt in Latin American countries. The U.S. stated that they would act as an "international police power".
    People involved: Teddy Roosevelt
    Foreign policy: This impacted the foreign policy because it restricted the eastern hemisphere countries from interfering with Latin American countries. Instead they had to go to America if they had any issues.
  • Dollarr Diplomacy

    Dollarr Diplomacy
    The Dollar Diplomacy encouraged investing by American banks in Caribbean countries. If any country couldn't repay their loans, the U.S. would send in troops to the country.
    People Involved: President William Howard Taft
    Foreign Policy: This impacted the foreign policy a bit because it opened new countries to recieve influence by the U.S. economy and the U.S. recieved some money from the loans people could't repay.
  • Beginning of WW1

    Beginning of WW1
    World War 1 started of due to the asssassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The country of Austria was angered by this incident and sooner than later, conflict started between them and Serbia. Other countries joined in like Germany, France, and Great Britain, and made the war be considered a World War.
    People involved: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Gauriolo Princip of Serbia.
    Foreign Policy: The foreign policy was pushed aside because this conflict was centered around war.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    A canal In Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean Its across the Isthmus of Panam
  • German Proclamation

    German Proclamation
    Germany proclaimed that the waters around the British Isles were to be considered an official war zone and they would sink any ship that entered the area.
    People involved: none
    Foreign policy: Didn't affect America because they were not involved in the war yet, but gave other countries a warning.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    A British passenger ship was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine, killing more than 120 Americans.
    People involved: none
    Foreign Policy: This event had little interference with the foreign policy. It only affected it because it was a sign of war.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    Germany promised to no longer sink any more merchant ships without warning. They didn't want the U.S. to join the war.
    People involved: none
    Foreign Policy: It supported the foreign policy because it allowed the U.S. to send their ships safely without fear of being shot without warning.
  • Failure of Diplomacy

    Failure of Diplomacy
    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare continues. Germany ignores the Sussex Pledge and resumes U Boat attacks on U.S. ships.
    People involved: none
    Foreign Policy: Angers the U.S. and creates tension between them and Germany.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The British intercepted a telegram from Germany in which they were asking Mexico to attack the U.S. and in exchange, Germany would help them get Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back.
    People involved: none
    Foreign Policy: This event led to America entering the war with the Allies and help defeat Germany.
  • U.S. Enters WW1

    U.S. Enters WW1
    After the Zimmerman Telegram incident, the U.S. entered the war and joined the Allied powers in order to defeat Germany
    People involved: Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign Policy: America now had allies and enemies, they helped their foes by supplying them weapons and troops and faced their enemies head on.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    The governement can now draft people to join the military. This act required all men in the U.S. of ages 21-30 to register for military service.
    People involved: Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign Policy: Influenced how the U.S. would deal with their enemies by setting up a way to get more soldiers and create a larger army.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    The Espionage Act made it a crime for any person to convey information intended to inerfere with the U.S. armed forces prosecution of the war effort or to promote the success of the country's enemies.
    People involved: A. Mitchell Palmer, Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign Policy: Doesn't affect the policy becuase it was an internal issue.
  • Wilson's Fourteen Point

    Wilson's Fourteen Point
    In a speech given my President Wilson, he outlined fourteen points as a plan or blueprint for peace among the nations. His points were later used as a foundation to the Treaty of Versailles to create peace following WWI.
    People involved: Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign Policy: It created a peacful environment for how the U.S. would act with other countries following their hostile encounters.
  • Battle of Argonne Forest

    Battle of Argonne Forest
    The Battle of Argonne Forest was the largest American-run offensive of WW1. It was fought in France and helped end the war.
    People involved: Ferdinand Foch, John Pershing
    Foreign policy: It created a negative way of interacting with other countries, in this case Germany.
  • Alvin York

    Alvin York
    Corporal Alvin York reportedly killed over 20 German soldiers and later captures an additional 132 Germans. This later earned himn the Congressional Medal of Honor.
    People involved: Alvin York
    Foreign policy: The U.S. interacted in a negative way with Germany because they kiklled and captured their men.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    Germany surrendered in 1918. All nations thereafter agrred to stop fighting until the peace terms were being negotiated. The end of the war was official when the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919.
    People involved: Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign policy: Changed how the U.S. would interact with other nations because they would no longer fight and would now be peaceful.
  • Ratificatioon of the Treaty of Versailles

    Ratificatioon of the Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty that put an official end to WWI. Wilson's fourteen points were used as a foundation for this treaty so that peace can flourish following the disasterous war.
    People involved: Woodrow Wilson
    Foreign Policy: This brought America a time of peace because they were no longer involved in a war nor had to help other countries who were involved in war. They somehwhat went back to their isolation phase.