U.S. Democratic Principles & Civic Traits by Miss Fritts

  • American Freedom

    The United States was in a battle to fight for their freedom. This is when our freedom became official by a document being signed. Watch this video:
  • Bill of Rights

    The U.S. was creating rights that every individual would have such as freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Watch this video:
  • Civil War Comes to an End

    The Civil War between the northern and southern U.S. states came to an end after fighting about slaves and their rights and freedom. Watch this video:
  • Women Can Vote

    Women gained the right to vote later than men for a variety of reasons. They had to fight for their right to have a say in politics and their civic duty. Watch this video:
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Gave His Famous Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech about fighting for equality for people of all races. Watch this video:
  • Attacks of 9/11

    There were attacks on the United States due to our freedom and rights granted to U.S. citizens. Watch this video: