U.S. 2 party system

By jtmass
  • Federalist

    The federalist papers are written and starts the federalist in support of a strong central government and the constitution.
  • Anti-Federalist

    Opposed the constitution and hated a strong federal government.
  • Democratic-Republicns

    The constitution was a strict paper that limited the power of the federal government and the government didn't have the power to adopt more power. They wanted states to have more rights.
  • Jacksonian Democrates

    Was used for Andrew Jackson and his supporters. They lived to support the American dream by focusing on greater rights for the common man.
  • The party of Lincoln

    They were made to combat the expansion of slavery and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    Roosevelt became president during the great depression. The part wanted to focus on social welfare and economic programs.
  • Modern Democrate

    They are more open to change and they favor minimum wage and progressive taxation.
  • Modern Republican

    Conservatives that think taxes shouldn't increase.They believe in individual rights.