Twentieth Century to 1939

  • Theatre and Drama

    The Irishman George Bernard Shaw was the leading figure in English Drama from the 1890 until his dead in 1950.
    He was well known for his use of the theatre to discuss issues.
  • Poetry (1895-1918)

    poets at the end of the Victorian age reflect the crisis of values of the times. Their poems celebrate nature, but also show the sadness and anxiety of society.
  • Women

    started to demand the right to vote on National Elections.
  • The Economy of Great Britain

    became mostly industrial
  • The Boer war

    was not successful for Britain and many Colonies started to rebel from British control.
  • The Novel (1900-1939)

    of the Victorian period had social themes. The Novel of the 20th Century has more Personal, Individual themes. It also becomes an examination of the whole world.
  • Queen Victoria died,

    and his son took her place.
  • Edward VII was crowned

    has king of Great Britain.
  • Edward VII went to France

    and asked for an Alliance in case of a possible future war.
  • Big and Better ships were build

    for that possible war.
  • King Edward VII died

    he was really loved by al the country.
  • Edward's VII son, George V

    was crowned has king.
  • 70% of the 25 million people in the country

    lived in cities. A village way of life had almost disappeared.
  • The First world war (1914-18)

    was a horror the country had never experiences before. Religious and Politics belief were questioned by more people.
  • "Ulysses"

    James Joyce one of his most relevant texts. "Dubliners" (1922) was other of his most famous books.
  • Labour party

    its beginnings dated from 1874, but it became more recognized and popular in 1918.
  • 29% of the total workforce

    of Great Britain was Female. So women had to be given the vote.
  • Depression

    the areas most affected were those which had created Britain's Industrial Revolution, including Clydeside, Belfast, the Industrial north of England and southeast Wales.
  • Russia had the Bolshevik Revolution.

  • Book "To the lighthouse"

    from Virginia Woolf was published and become one of the most famous writing from this author.
  • Women were allowed to Vote

    for the first time
  • Communism

    grew in Russia.
  • Fascism

    grew especially in Germany and Italy.
  • The Economy of Great Britain

    started to recover, Specially in the Midlands and the South.
  • King George V uses the new BBC radio service

    to talk about commonwealth and the empire.
  • "Four Quartets"

    from T. S. Elliot, became the most important book during and after Second World War.
  • British industries were producing weapons,

    aircraft and equipment for a possible future war. It was with help of the United States money.
  • Second world war (1939-45)

    fascist belief that the rise of fascism in Germany and the fact that at this time Germany became a powerful Nation were the cause of the second world war.
  • Workers in large industries

    became more interested in Socialism.
  • the British labor party

    grew in a very big number
  • After the women vote rights,

    divorce became easier and accesible for women. It rise from 800 in 1910 to 8.000 in 1939.