Tudors Era

By Ivanaka
  • Period: 1485 to

    The Tudors

    After the War of Roses Until Elizabeth I
  • Period: 1491 to 1547

    Henry VIII

    Henry Tudor's son (Henry VII)
    Renaissance man
    6 wifes
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward VI

    Bashes the Pope
    Protestant like his father-> "My device for the succession"
    Son of Jane Seymour
  • 1550

    Elizabethan Era

    Science: Sir Francis Bacon: Novum Orgnum-> the new method
    Empiricists + concrete-> feet on the ground Navigation: Sir Francis Drake: 1st English man to go around the globe Empire: Sir Walter Raleigh: Virginia English: Spenser, Johnson, Marlowe
    Marlowe: gay and atheist, died in a knife fight
    The Bard
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Bloody Mary

    Catholic Queen-> burnt 300 people at the stake
    Daughter of Catherine of Aragon
    Married Philip of Spain
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth I

    Virgin Queen
    "I have no desire to make windows into the men's souls"
    Spanish Armada-> "heart and stomach of th king, and a king of England too"
  • Period: 1564 to

    William Shakespeare

    Born the same year Michelangelo died: end of the Italian Renaissance and blossoming of the British one
  • 1577

    British Circumnavigation of the Globe

    50 years after Portugal
    Sir Francis Drake-> Navigaion Moleyneux: globes were also propaganda-> where the Brits went and conquered