Water pollution 1 728

Troubled Waters (Environmental Health) Lesson Plans Type I Enrichment: General Exploratory Experiences

  • INTRODUCTION Troubled Waters (Environmental Health)

    INTRODUCTION Troubled Waters (Environmental Health)
    New River Gorge
    New River Bridge Catwalk Tour - Half Day - ACE Adventure Resort
    aceraft.com1160 × 1160
  • Photo Peach Troubled Water Presentation

    Photo Peach Troubled Water Presentation
  • Period: to

    Troubled Waters (Environmental Health) Preliminary Test

    A preliminary test will be administered to determine a your baseline knowledge for an educational experience.
    Understand how different land uses within a watershed may affect the quality of the water draining from that
    watershed. Use simple water testing procedures to measure turbidity, pH, and nitrates in streams.
    Interpret water quality data to better understand the potential impact and possible source of pollution,

    Published on Apr 22, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onJNkeIKXoE Water is largely taken for granted by consumers but it's becoming "blue gold" in the 21st century. Troubled Water examines the threats to public water systems and watersheds using the East Coast of Vancouver Island as a case study. .
  • Documentary Analysis & Documentary Rubric

    Documentary Analysis & Documentary Rubric
    View National Geographics documentary: (one must have been viewed during class). Give a brief history of the background of each documentarian (at least two paragraphs) A synopsis of the documentary (what it was about). Select a scene and include in your comparison the following: Each documentary’s creative treatment of reality: (use of audio, video, graphics, stills, etc,); CLICK ON https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=A95W85&sp=yes&nocache=1464563928692
  • WATER POLLUTION (SEMINAR) Presented by Fred Anderson (example)

    WATER POLLUTION (SEMINAR) Presented by Fred Anderson (example)
    Published on Jan 4, 2016
    030 - Water Pollution In this video Paul Andersen explains how water quality can be degraded by pollutants. Wastewater is the main source of water pollution and can be measure using the BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). Dead zones, cultural eutrophication, disease, and other pollutants are included. A basic description of sewage treatment, septic systems, and water purification is also included. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNGKsubYJ9U
  • Seminar Observation Rubric

    Seminar Observation Rubric
    For this assignment, you may attend the guest lecture on Thursday 9/08. You must relate course topics to your observation, and discuss the relevance of your observation to Water Pollution . The paper should be should be 1-2 pages in length and must adhere to APA style and grammar standards. https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=CX6W963&nocache=1464627218817

    Type I Enrichment: General Exploratory Experiences
    Preliminary Test, Documentary Essay, Seminar Observation Lecture. Deadline for all work to be completed 9/16
  • Troubled Waters (Environmental Health) Type II Enrichment: Group Training Activities

    Troubled Waters (Environmental Health) Type II Enrichment: Group Training Activities
    In this section, we will discuss a systematic approach for organizing a process skills component within the overall need to blend into the more training in the development of our solution to ideas to solve Water Pollution
  • WATER QUALITY (In classroom practice)

    WATER QUALITY (In classroom practice)
    Students will study water quality and the effect of common pollutants while practicing their critical-thinking skills in an inquiry-based experiment. Students should focus on their local water source, however, materials are provided for the Falls View water source in Kanawha River. This lesson is written using the 5E learning model, which includes five phases: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate
  • Environmental Health Lesson Plan Classroom

    Environmental Health Lesson Plan Classroom
  • Hands on Practice Quality Water Measurements Questionaire Worksheet

    Hands on Practice Quality Water Measurements Questionaire Worksheet
    In this segment of Troubled Water we will practice with hands on opportunities to learn proper procedures for measuring water quality
  • Matching Water Measurements With Natural Streams

    Matching Water Measurements With Natural Streams
    The next segment of our hands on training experience consists of measuring natural streams and matching the measurements to the proper body of water. This will be the last in class exercise

  • Type III Enrichment: Individual and Small Group Investigations of Real Problems

    Type III Enrichment: Individual and Small Group Investigations of Real Problems
    Type III Enrichment should be viewed as the vehicle within the total school experience through which everything from basic skills to advanced content and processes “comes together” in the form of student-developed products and services.
  • Real Problems Today We Get To Be Real Professionals

    Real Problems Today We Get To Be Real Professionals
    The students will put all pieces together today. Our challenge what we have experienced with content to from documentary, seminar lecture, class discussions understanding our problem. Processing information on how to understand our problem to where we are to find solutions with understanding on how we can fix, and solve our problems with real life data on streams in West Virginia. Out in the fields we go.
  • Here's The Challenge

    Here's The Challenge
    We will stay in our groups. Each group leader will pull a name of a stream that each group will be working on (Table 1) researching the watershed area, water quality measurement, the pollutant, and the source. Once charge is completed the next step is to come up will a possible 5 year solution
    https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/personal/tgardner_k12_wv_us/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=Gr6G3bREy2sYNZDzXW02rYhMTILUW1B%2fCJ1SdCFe37Y%3d&docid=1a3e3322a6a16454ca53ce1a97d324efa CLICK ON
  • The Final Challenge Assessment Group Discussion Queastions

    The Final Challenge Assessment Group Discussion Queastions
    Each group will work together to discuss questions Related to our experiences. Discussion Questions (Tech Problem) Rubric (Tech Problem) Coming tomorrow