
Trojan War timeline by David Meade

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Judgement of Paris [1]

    Judgement of Paris [1]
    All of the gods, other than Eris the goddess of discord, were invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she appeared without an invite she was shunned. In her frustration, she cast the golden apple to three goddesses Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. Each of them wanted the apple but all of them had the right to it so they asked Zeus to settle the argument.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Judgement of Paris [2]

    Judgement of Paris [2]
    Zeus ordered Hermes to guide the goddesses to Paris of Troy to settle their dispute. The shepherd prince would choose what he thought to be the best gifts for favors. he chose Aphrodite and she promised to bring him Helene, the most staggeringly beautiful women in the world to be his wife. Helene being taken lead to the Trojan war.
  • Jan 1, 1003

    Menelaus uses an army to go find Helen

    Menelaus uses an army to go find Helen
    Menelaus, the king of Sparta and Helenas desired husband was not new to the foul play of people that also wanted Helena's hand in marriage. Theseus had tried to take her once before as well. due to an old promise, Agamemnon was able to convince the Achaeans to sail with him and his older brother into battle.
  • Jan 1, 1004

    9 Years Greeks VS. Trojans

    9 Years Greeks VS. Trojans
    Both the Greeks and the Trojans fought fiercely. the Greek hero was Achilles and the Trojan hero was Hector. People guessed they would die young. Little fighting happened in the 9 years the greeks were on the shore
  • Jan 1, 1005

    Achilles and Agamemnon Break the Peace

    Achilles and Agamemnon Break the Peace
    After 9 years of no fighting between the Trojans and the Greeks Achilles and Agamemnon got into a fight. The Greeks abduct the daughter of Apollo's priest and refuse to return her. Apollo's priest calls upon Phoebus Apollo through prayer to send a wall of on fire arrows killing or sickening many of the greeks army.
  • Jan 1, 1006

    Agamemnon's Revenge on Achilles

    Agamemnon's Revenge on  Achilles
    after the recapturing of Chryseis, Agamemnon feels he needs to retaliate. So he does just that sending two people to take Achilles women Briseis. When the two arrive Achilles discovers them and tells them Agamemnon will be punished for what he tried.
  • Jan 1, 1007

    Thetis Requests

    Thetis attempts to convince Achilles that he shouldn't side with the Greeks. then Thetis tells Zeus that he should let the Trojans be victorious and zeus agrees then sends helena to the trojans to talk about greek gods
  • Jan 1, 1008

    Hera Roots for the Greeks

    Hera feels like she wants the Greeks to win at any costs. she knows Zeus has already agreed to give the Trojans the victory so she thinks the only way to ensure victory for the Greeks is to sabotage the Trojans.
  • Jan 1, 1022

    Achilles' death

    Achilles' death
    After many Fights and arguments, we skip to this point in the war. After ending Hector's life Achilles knew the end of his own life was slowly approaching him. Achilles was shot in his achilles tendon, or in the back of his foot, by Paris and subsequently died.
  • Jan 1, 1028

    The trojan war ends

    The trojan war ends
    With Troy in ruins from the Greeks surprise attack, and with the last surviving commander fleeing it would seem there is no fighting left to be done. But the final act of the Trojan war was the killing of Hecuba's daughter Polyxena.