Trojan title

Trojan War TimeLine

  • Jan 1, 1188

    The Beauty Contest

    The Beauty Contest
    It starts at 1188 BC
    The goddess Eris was angry that Thetis and Peleus didn't invite her to the their wedding.
    Eris throw an golden apple on the floor and left, Nereus get up the apple and on the apple says:'To the fairest' Now the Athene(goddes of wisdom), Aphrodite(goddes of love and Hera(goddes of goddess) are fighting for the apple. Zeus couldn't deside, so he let Paris the sheperd to deside.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1188 to Feb 1, 1188

    Trojan War

    Starts at 1188 B.C
  • Jan 2, 1188

    The Beauty Contest 2

    The Beauty Contest 2
    Zeus couldn't deside, so he let Paris the sheperd to deside. Hera says: if you give me apple I will give you any amount of money you want.
    Athena says: if you give me apple I will let you have every war success.
    Aphrodite says: if you give me apple I will let you marry the most beautyful woman in the world. Paris choose to have the most beautiful woman in the world Other two goddess were angry and jeallous.
  • Jan 3, 1188

    The story of Paris

    The story of Paris
    --Paris, He is waiting for the most beautiful woman in the world, and he see's that king Priam is having a game contest Paris joined in. Paris is really strong he beated every one in the game. Cassandra was thinking she have saw him somewhere before, then she see's that he was the son of king Priam.
    Because when Paris was born Cassandra have special power see's that he will distroy the Troy so he must die. So they put him on a rock then let the wolf to eat him...but a sheperd man save him.
  • Jan 4, 1188

    The story of Paris 2

    The story of Paris 2
    The shperdman thinks it is gods pressent so they saved him.
    Now king Priam dosent care about what Cassandra say's he only thinks that is what god want us to do, so he ignored Cassandra.
  • Jan 5, 1188

    Misson for Paris

    Misson for Paris
    --King Praim, King Priam was really happy, but his 2nd son Hector was jeallous that the king seat is not for him.
    King Priam give a misson to Paris, is to rescue his sister Hesione, she was capture by Greek, so now go with my best ship and get her back
  • Jan 6, 1188

    The way to rescue Hesione

    The way to rescue Hesione
    On the way to rescue Hesione, Aphrodite want to promise what she said, so she blow the wind to make the boat direction change to Sparta. When Paris into Sparta, the king Menelaus use the best service to Paris.
  • Jan 7, 1188

    Meet Helen

    Meet Helen
    --Helen, On the way he going to his room he saw Helen, she is really the beautiful woman in the world she had ever seen.
    Helen(Athenian) want to have some excitement and she don't really like the king of Sparta. One day Menelaus went to other place to work, Paris call Helen is time for us to go. So they scretly go back to troy. (Paris forgot everything about rescuing Hesione)
  • Jan 8, 1188

    The angry of Menelaus

    The angry of Menelaus
    --Menealaus, Menealaus is really angry with paris. He have been so nice to him, and this is what he gives back!? He give a message to his brother Agamemnon, to tell him to set his army to attack Troy. Agamenon think that if we want to win the war we need to have stratigy people to win, so he find Ulysses