Trojan War

By apr8890
  • 1260 BCE

    The Golden Apple

    The goddess Eris threw a golden apple, which would be claimed by "The Fairest." Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all claimed it. Zeus pointed them Paris, who upon accepting Helen as a bribe, told the goddesses that Aphrodite was the fairest.
  • 1259 BCE

    Helen Vanishes

    Paris claimed himself as the true prince of Troy, and then claimed Helen and took her to Troy with him. Menelaus, Helen's husband, found out and gathered many Greek leaders to go reclaim Helen and conquer Troy. (including Odysseus and Achilles who both went to great lengths to not to go)
  • 1258 BCE


    The Greeks landed in Mysia, but believed it to be Troy and engaged in war. Before finding out that they were not in Troy, Achilles injured the king Telephus, who he then healed as he was valuable.
  • 1257 BCE

    The Plague

    Sometime after arriving in Troy, Agamenon stole the daughter of a Trojan preist, who called upon Apollo, who sided with the Trojans. Apollo, answering his call, sent a plague that wiped out many Greek soldiers.
  • 1257 BCE

    Achilles joins the fight

    After Achilles refused to fight, his friend Patroclus stole his armor and pretended to be him. This scared the Trojans, but eventually he was recognized and slain. Achilles, upset, entered the fight and slayed hector. He then paraded his body to the Greeks and used it in part of Patroclus' funeral.
  • 1256 BCE

    Poseidon enters the war effort

    While Hera seduced Zeus, Poseidon caused the Trojans to retreat, having pushed the Greeks to the beach. Zeus, of course, noticed and threatened to beat his wife and told his brother to stop messing with the war.
  • 1255 BCE

    Achilles' untimely death

    Achilles knew that he would die if he joined the fight, and he did so at the hands of Paris after he was shot in his only venerable spot: the heel.
  • 1254 BCE

    Paris' untimely death

    Paris then became another casualty of war, as he was shot by Philoctetes using Heracles' arrows.
  • 1253 BCE

    Trojan Palladium

    The Trojan Palladium was a sacred wooden carving of Athena/Minerva that the Greeks stole from the Trojans. This would become important, as the Greeks would use it to write off why the "suddenly retreated."
  • 1 CE

    The Golden Apple

    The Golden Apple
    The goddess Eris threw a golden apple “for the fairest.” Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all claimed the apple, but upon asking Zeus to judge who was the fairest, he directed them to Paris, who, after accepting a bride in the form of Helen, chose Aphrodite.
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    Helen Vanishes

    Paris claimed himself as the true prince of Troy and then took Helen back to Troy with him. Menelaus, Helen’s husband, summons the Greek leaders to go with him and reclaim his wife and conquer Troy. Two important soldiers were Odysseus and Achilles, neither of which wanted to go and both created ruses that were discovered.
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    The Greeks sailed to Mysia, believing that it was Troy. They immediately went to war. In the battle, Achilles injured the king Telephus, who he then had to heal since he was valuable.
  • 4

    The Plague

    After his wife was stolen by Agamenon (a Greek warrior), a Trojan priest called upon Apollo, who sided with the Trojans. Apollo then sent a plague out to the Greeks, which killed many of them.
  • 5

    Poseidon enters the war effort

    Hera did some questionable magic and seduced Zeus which then made him forget the war was happening. While Hera was seducing Zeus, Poseidon entered the fighting and made the Trojans retreat, since they had backed up the Greeks all the way to the beach. Of course Zeus noticed, threatened to beat his wife, then ordered his brother off of the field.
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    Achilles joins the fight

    After Achilles refused to fight, Patroclus took his armor and pretended to be him. This scared the Trojans, but he was eventually recognized and slain. Achilles devistated by his friend's death, went out to slay Hector, which he did. He then tied his corpse to his chariot and dragged it back to the Greek camp, where his body was used in the funeral of Patroclus.
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    Achilles' untimely death

    Achilles knew that if he joined the fight, he would die shortly after. This came true as Paris shot Achilles in the heel (his one fatal weakness).
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    Paris' untimely death

    Paris also became a casualty of war. Philoctetes took the hero Heracles' arrows and used them to shoot Paris.
  • 9

    Trojan Palladium

    Trojan Palladium
    The Greeks stole the Trojan Palladium, a sacred image of Athena/Minerva. This would play a massive role in the excuse the Greeks would give the Trojans when all of them "retreat."
  • 10

    Trojan Horse

    Trojan Horse
    The Trojans woke up one day, and instead of finding the Greeks, they found a giant wooden horse. Even better, they were told by Sinon that they rest of the Greek soldiers had upset Athena by stealing the Palladium and had retreated as well as given Sinon as a human sacrifice to Athena. Sinon said that both he and the horse were offerings to Athena. That night, the Greek soldiers left their posts in the horse and laid seize to Troy, successfully conquering it.