1214 BCE
The Wedding of Peleus to Thetis
Zeus makes a grand wedding for King Peleus and the Nereid, sea goddess, Thetis.
http://public.wsu.edu/~hughesc/stories.html -
1213 BCE
Achilles is Born
Achilles is born to King Peleus and Queen Thetis. http://www.ancient.eu/achilles/ -
1213 BCE
The Judgment of Paris
Paris has to judge who is the fairest among three goddesses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_(mythology)#The_Judgment_of_Paris -
1212 BCE
Paris goes to Sparta
Paris goes to Sparta, where the world's fairest woman lives. http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Pa-Pr/Paris.html -
1212 BCE
Paris steals Helen
Prince Paris of Troy takes Queen Helen of Sparta,whom is married to King Menelaus of Sparta, back to Troy with him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_(mythology)#Paris_and_the_Trojan_War -
1194 BCE
The Greeks land on Troy
The Acheans, a.k.a Greek pre-suitors of Helen, go to Troy to bring Helen back to Sparta in Greece.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_War -
1184 BCE
The Destruction/Sack of Troy
After ten yrs. of war with Troy, the Acheans finally win the battle. they sack Troy of all its treasures and destroy the rest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey -
1183 BCE
Odysseus Leaves Troy/The Odyssey
King Odysseus of Ithaca, probably the best Achean warrior, embarks on a long voyage back home, which becomes delayed by the intervention of Poseidon (the beginning of the Odyssey).
http://saveodysseus.blogspot.com/p/task.html -
1183 BCE
Juno hits Aeneas with a Storm/The Aeneid
Aeneas, a surviving Trojan prince, sets sail towards unknown lands, which becomes frustered by Hera, queen of the gods (the beginning of the Aeneid).
http://www.shmoop.com/aeneid/aeneas-timeline.html -
1183 BCE
Aeneas and his mother, the goddess Venus (Aphrodite)
Aeneas and a friend see Aeneas' mother, Aphrodite, at the top of a hill.
http://www.shmoop.com/aeneid/aeneas-timeline.html -
1182 BCE
Odysseus and the Ciconians
Odysseus' first stop is on an island which the Ciconians call there home.