Trojan War By Gustavo Hernandez

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    Wedding of King Peleus and Thetis

    Many guests were invited to the wedding. the only one that wasn't invited was Eris. Eris gave them a Golden Apple that said "For the Fairest". everyone wanted it but only Athena, Hera , or Aphrodite could have it.
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    Judgment of Paris

    Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite met prince Paris so he could decide who could have the Golden Apple. But instead of looking for the fairest he took bribes. Athena offered him wisdom and skill for war. Hera offered him the power to rule Europe and Asia. Aphrodite offered him love.
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    Paris visits King Menelaus

    Prince Hector and Prince Paris visit King Menelaus in Sparta. Prince Paris finds Helen the Queen of Sparta and takes her to troy. King Menelaus finds out and wants war.
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    Sacrifice of Iphigenia

    King Agamemnon declared war against troy after Paris took Helen but when Agamemnon tried to sail to troy there was no winds. so Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia in order to get wind and it took then 10 years to get to troy.
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    Capturing the Priestess of Apollo

    Once Agamemnon arrives to troy he captures the priestess of Apollo. he was mad so he released a plague on Agamemnon's troops and returns the priestess. after he returned the priestess he takes Briseis. Achilles was mad so he refused to fight in war.
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    Patroclus Enters Battle

    Patroclus is a very close friend of Achilles. Achilles tells him he will not fight. One day Patroclus steals Achilles armor and leads the Mermidons to Battle. he confronts Prince Hector and gets killed. when Achilles finds out he decides to fight the Trojans.
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    Achilles Revenge

    Achilles goes into battle and kills Prince Hector. Once he kills him he ties his body on his chariot and drags him around. a few days go by and Priam asks Achilles to return the body
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    Achilles Heel

    Achilles went to battle and get hit on the heel with an arrow. Prince Paris shot the arrow which Apollo guided it to hit Achilles heel. Apollo helps Prince Paris because he did not like Achilles.
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    Philocites Bow and Arrow

    Once Achilles died they needed Philocites to bring Hercules bow and poisoned arrows. once Philocites joins the battles he shoots at Paris and scratches him and the poison killed him
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    The Horse

    One day an idea of a wooden horse came up and they made a wooden horse to gift Troy. Troy accepts the gift and takes into town inside the horse were troops and once they were inside Troy they got out of the horse and defeated Troy.