Triumph Parliament in England

By Jack582
  • Period: Jan 1, 1485 to

    The Tudors Work with the Parliment

    England was ruled by Tudor Monarchs. Even though Tudor Monarchs believed their rule was God given, they recognized Parliament. When Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church, he turned to Parliament to legalize his actions
  • The Stuarts Issue a Challange

    The Stuarts Issue a Challange
    James I began lecturing Parliament about divine right. “I will not be content that my power is disputed on.” House of Commons rejected James’s idea of absolute rule.
  • Parliament Responds

    Parliament Responds
    Charles I gained rule and acted as an absolute ruler like his father. He imprisoned enemies and bankrupted his nation.
  • Charles Without the Parliment

    Charles Without the Parliment
    Charles II dissolves Parliament and brings back the monarchy. Charles’s successor, James II pushes for Catholicism, this incites backlash and James flees England in 1688.
  • The Long Parliament Begins

    The Long Parliament Begins
    Parliament struggled against Charles I in the biggest and most important political revolution in English history. In a struggle King Charles I executed his chief masters.
  • Cavaliers and Roundheads

    Cavaliers and Roundheads
    The Cavaliers expected an easy victory since they consisted of more wealthy nobles. The Round heads consisted of Country gentry town dwelling manufacturers. In the end the Round heads overcame and defeated the Cavaliers.
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    The English Civil War Rages

    The English Civil war was in full swing and the battle was feirce and violent.
  • A King is Executed

    A King is Executed
    The Parliament set up a trial for the King. It sentenced him to death with charges of ¨tyranny, treason, murder, and a public enemy.¨.
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    The English Commonwealth Begins and Ends

    Parliament abolished the House of Lords and the monarchy in favor of a commonwealth led by Cromwell. Cromwell died in 1658 and the commonwealth falls apart. Monarchy supporters rise up.
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    The Monarchy is Restored

    Charles II worked with Parliament to repair England, but they clashed when he set out to restore Catholicism.
  • Political Parties

    Political Parties
    There were two political parties in England in the late 1600s. The Tories and Whigs. Tories believed in restoring the old traditions and were generally aristocrats. Whigs favored Parliament over monarchy, promoted religious toleration, and they mostly represented the middle and lower class.
  • Cabinet System

    Cabinet System
    Parliamentary cabinets were groups of people that helped the current monarch rule. This came about when George I or Germany took the throne and could not speak any English. He relied on parliament to help him rule.