
Tristan mobley timeline #$

  • Prohitbition begain in the U.S

    Prohitbition begain in the U.S
    Beginning in the 19th century, many people, especially women, blamed many of society's problems upon alcohol. With the hope of bettering society, organizations were formed to advocate against the consumption of alcohol.
  • The beer hall putsch

    The beer hall putsch
    Was a falled attempt by hitler to seize power in Munich Bavaria, Hitler tryed to seize power from the state goverment.
  • US Stock US Stock Market Crashes

    US Stock US Stock Market Crashes
    The US stock market crashed, that ment everything started falling like bank, small business, and even big corrpartions, there was a huge loss in stocks. Germany fell apart during this time, and that left hitler to gain power
  • Hitler loses election for german presidency

    Hitler loses election for german presidency
    Hitler wanted to become president so he decided to run for presidency, he ran aginast Paul Von Hindenbrug, that was hitler last setback before rising power.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor.

    Hitler becomes Chancellor.
    papen was forced to resign the postion as chancellor so Hitler promoted himself into the postion.
  • Reichstag burns to down (Parliament building)

    Reichstag burns to down (Parliament building)
    An unexpected fire stared inside the buliding, till this day no one figured out who burned it down but hitler blamed it one the communist.
  • The First Nazi Conentration Camp

    The First Nazi Conentration Camp
    The first buildings in the Dachau concentration camp complex consisted of the remnants of an old WWI munitions factory that was located in the northeastern portion of the town. These buildings, with a capacity of about 5,000 prisoners, served as the main camp structures until 1937
  • Nurebreg Nazi party rally

    Nurebreg Nazi party rally
    Begun filming the Triumph of the will propaganda movie. This movie shows the steps hitler took to reach power and become germanys leader
  • Germany Host the 11th Summer Olympic

    Germany Host the 11th Summer Olympic
    Germany hosted the summer olympics to show the nazi renaissance. The olympics were supposed to show their accomplishments. It was supposed to show the strengh of germany and the superiority of the Aryan race.
  • Germany annexation of austria

    Germany annexation of austria
    unification was unification was celebrated in austria. This added 5 million citizens to the German Empire, In day about 7,000 citzens went to a concentration camps.
  • Hitler addresses "The jewish problem"

    Hitler addresses "The jewish problem"
    Hitler annoced the problem at the nazi party rally, when he hed everyones attention he stated the problem and he said "Jews shouldnt be condsider as humans"
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Germans began their attack of Great Britain in July 1940. At first they targeted airfields, but soon switched to bombing general strategic targets, hoping to crush British morale.