day 1 plane tickets

  • Day 1

    i bought a flight. I chose this flight because it was cheap. It looked comfortable.
  • Day 1

    Les Sarments is where i ate . It looked different so i tried something new. It also looked gross.
  • Day 1

    I also cheeked in at my hotel. It was very nice. It was also very affordably.
  • Day 2

    i rented a car for 6 days for 1,236$.It is as a grey alpha romeo giulia. It had good insurgences.
  • Day 2

    got a motel room for 91$per day
  • day 2

    Ate at champagne bakery.The food was good. The people were nice
  • Day 2

    Ate at champagne deli. I loved the food. It was cheap.
  • Day 3

    ate at La Cave à Champagne
  • Day 3

    ate at the Café du Palais
  • Day 3