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Transport on Land

  • 3000 BCE

    Solid wheel cart

    Solid wheel cart
    Around 5000 years ago, the solid wheel was invented in central Asia/Middle East by the Mesopotamians. The wheels were made of solid wood.
  • Steam tractor

    Steam tractor
    In 1769, the steam tractor was invented in France by the Frenchman Nicolas Cugnot. It was very heavy and unstable.
  • Steam train

    Steam train
    In 1804, the steam train was invented in England by Richard Trevithick. George and his son Robert won a competition to invent the fastest steam train.
  • Internal combustion engine and petrol car.

    Internal combustion engine and petrol car.
    In 1859, the internal combustion engine and petrol car was invented in Germany by Karl Benz. The first petrol powered car.
  • Diesel engine

    Diesel engine
    In 1900s, the diesel engine was invented in Germany by Rudolf Diesel. The diesel enginers were also replacing the steam train.