Transitition to Modern World

  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Starting in China, the plague started to spread through the silk road. The B.D then spread to Europe and killed 1/3 to 2/3 of it's poupulation. The Black Death was signicant because it led to the fall of fedualsim but then created a new middle class.
  • 1420

    The Renissance

    The Renissance
    The Renissance marked the rebirth of greek and roman culture which people then began to pick up new concepts, forms of art etc.. The Renaissance took place in the transition between medieval and modern times. The signigance of the Renissance is that it created new concepts amd reintroducded things that are useful now. The Renissance created a whole new level of creavity and expressing yourself as your own artists.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press was inventiom created by man that allowed poeple to print things. This stucture made it easier for thinsg to gte copied which meant more people could access it. The Printing Press is signifcant because it made it easier for people to take in kownlegde and spred konwldege and it gave people of all social classes a chance to read and access books.
  • 1484

    Painting: Birth of Venus

    Painting: Birth of Venus
    The Birth of Venus was a renaissance painting that was very recognized and popular back in the renaissance. This painting resembled modesty and was dedicated to the Medici family. This painting is significant because it was marked as a centerpiece of a landmark and was a big part of what the renaissance art was about.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Columbus was a man who sailed on different ships to find a route from Europe to Asia but came across America instead. Columbus is signifcant because even though he set off to find something else he found a place where many people call home and the great discovery lead to many great things.
  • 1512

    Painting: The Creation of Adam

    Painting: The Creation of Adam
    The Creation of Adam was a renaissance piece created by Michaelangelo. This piece was the first piece to assemble the mural in the Sistine Chapel. This piece is significant because it was a highly known piece that was part of a place that was a great torusit attarcation and religious attarcation.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 theses

    Luther's 95 theses
    Luther's 95 agruemnst against the Roman Catholic Church were pinned to the door of the Wittenberg Church. This is signifcant because these agruemnts led to creating a whole new branch of christinaity and led people to fight for what they believe in.
  • 1545

    The Counter-Reformation

    The Counter-Reformation
    The Counter-Reformation was the RCC's response to the Protestant Reformation. This shortly began after Luther had pinned his arguments and complaints to the door of the church. This was signifcant because not only was it responding back to the oppisite sides of things but it also created anotehr sect of christanity.
  • Shakespeare: Midsummer’s Nights Dream

    Shakespeare: Midsummer’s Nights Dream
    A Midsummer's Nights Dream was a comedy revovoed around tragdegies and a love triangle between 2 girls and 2 guys. This play made love seem hard but these characters were dyanmic and carried on with the plot. Women were portayed as strong figures which is signifcant because many women in plays were usually the ones that needed help from a male figure.
  • Galileo's book (heliocentric theory)

    Galileo's book (heliocentric theory)
    Gaileo was a brave man that was determined to prove he was right agsint a whole nation. Aristole was "the man" the came up with an idea that everyone used at the time which was how the earth was the center of the universe. Gaileilo disaggered strongly and come along with a book that proved that the sun was the center and the earth and other planets orbited around it. This is signifcant because he stood up for what he thought was right and was then reconized as the father of astormy.