Jan 1, 1000
Leif Ericson
When coming home from Norway, he attempted to sail back to Greenland, and ended up in the North American continent. -
Jan 1, 1215
Magna Carta
This document is like the constitution of the USA, goving people basic rights like a trial with a jury. -
Jan 1, 1291
This was a battle for the Muslims to get back control over Jerusalem, which began in 1095. -
Jan 1, 1347
Black Death
Pandemic that triggered alot of fear for Europe, and made them realize that they did not know everything. -
Jan 1, 1386
An artist from the Renissiance who made a version of "David". -
Jan 1, 1469
He was a Renissiance artist who -
Jan 1, 1473
Began the idea of the Heliocentric theory. He was an astonomar. This theory states that the sun is the center of the solar system. -
Jan 1, 1478
The Inquisition
A church court where people would be charged for going against the church, or heretics. -
Jan 1, 1483
Rapheal lived during the Renissiance time and he painted a very famous painting called the "School of Athens" -
Jan 1, 1512
Amerigo Vespucci
Italian explorer, who showed that Brazil and the West Indies were not part of Asia. -
Jan 1, 1514
Anatomy scientist. He didn't agree with dissecting animals, so he dissected humans, like da Vinci. -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Martin Luther nailed statements to the church doors. He is against the church beeing payed to relieve people of their sins. -
Jan 1, 1564
He was an artist who made (the better) David, and competed with da Vinci in art. -
Apr 26, 1564
Wrote many literature advancements by creating almost a new language. He wrote many plays, and many poems called sonnets. -
da Vinci
He was an artist who also studied uman antomy. He dissected bodies to perfect his artwork. Was also an engineer and inventor.