Tranforming to Digital Learning

By chamann
  • School Board adopts District Vision Statement

    Vision: All CJUHSD students will graduate ready for college and careers. In addition to knowing science, math, language, history, civics and the arts, CJUHSD students will also need to be able to do something with that knowledge—use critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity to solve problems and create new ideas, products, and services. They will need to be flexible, adaptable, persistent lifelong learners who are digitally fluent and literate
  • Communication of Program Directive and Rationale

    Communication of Program Directive and Rationale
    The critical piece to the successful digital learning transformation is District and Site Leadership buy-in. Leaders can communicate the vision to multiple stakeholders and ensure the appropriate resources are in place to carry it out.
  • Period: to

    Develop A Shared Vision

    Our school leaders initiate the planning process, and our shared vision serves as a compass point for how technology will support teaching and learning goals. ISTE Standards calls for a “revolutionary transformation rather than evolutionary tinkering” in education and we recognize that we must leverage technology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences for all students and to achieve our goals and objectives.
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    Distribute Survey to All Stakeholders

    Leverage partnerships and initiatives. As our school moves towards digital learning environments, it is necessary to foster leadership beyond school and District leaders to support the transition. Inviting stakeholders to participate early in the planning process fosters collaboration among stakeholders.
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    Analyze Data

    Using data to identify needs, set goals, assess progress, and generally inform the process of implementation.
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    Professional Development Workshop

    Redefining the existing Educational Process. Program rationale and goals, Policies, Schedule and phases of deployment, Support Services, and Measures of Success. Ensure that the vision/mission is communicated and that there is buy-in from educators, students, parents, business, and community.
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    Form Campus TechnologyTeam

    Create a planning and leadership site-based decision making team representing a variety of education stakeholders from multiple programs and diverse backgrounds. Identify the Key Technologies.
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    Leaders Reexamine Operations

    Operational considerations are an important component when transforming to a digital learning environment. Budgetary issues and Sustainable Funding Considerations are solidified for devices, infrastructure and digital instructional materials and resources.
    • Procurement / Technology Coaches
    • Interoperability
    • Student Data Privacy
    • Devices
    • Technical Support
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    Essential Questions for School Administrators

    Identify the essential questions for school administrators to consider prior to implementing blended learning. Sharing of promising practices observed several Model/ Lab Schools.
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    Roll our Mobile Laptops/Carts and Computer Work Stations

    Share resources (rubrics, timelines, continuums, etc.) developed for Transition to Digital Learning with teachers and