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Indian Ocean Trade Development Timeline

  • 900 BCE


    The Kamal was a navigational tool used by the Arabs in the Indian Ocean. It is made up of a small, rectangular card with a knotted cord passed through it. Its purpose was to determine latitude at the sea by looking at the distance between the horizon and the stars at the same time every night.
  • 599 BCE

    Monsoon Wind Pattern

    Monsoon Wind Pattern
    The monsoon wind pattern was well established in the first millennium BCE. With this discovery people were able to sail across the Arabian Sea. It was powered by seasonal warming and cooling of large air masses.
  • 599 BCE


    Some good traded from the Mediterranean were wine, gold, olive oil, and ceramics.
  • 596 BCE

    East Africa

    East Africa
    Some goods traded from East Africa were iron, slaves, ivory, gold, and leopard skin.
  • 580 BCE


    Some goods traded from Arabia were perfumes, Myrrh, and Frankincense.
  • 570 BCE


    Some good traded from Asia were nutmeg, cloves, tin, and sandalwood
  • 570 BCE


    Some goods traded from India were grains, spices, and stones.
  • 540 BCE

    Magnetic Compass

    Magnetic Compass
    The Chinese introduced the magnetic compass. This compass was created to help navigate through the sea better. Later than the compass was used for trade which increased the advancement in the sea travel.
  • 400 BCE

    Roman & Chinese

    Roman & Chinese
    Some goods traded among the Romans and Chinese were robes made of silk.
  • 300 BCE


    Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism spread over to the Bay of Bengal Southeast Asia. During the classical period Judaism and Christianity quickly aroused. This resulted in migrations to Ethiopia, Arabia, and India
  • 200 BCE


    Throughout trade some diseases spread such as the bubonic plague. This disease is cause by bacterium Yersinia pestis. This is a deadly disease.