Img 3206

Trade and Networks by way of the Indian Ocean

  • 1000 BCE


    Bananas spread as a crop and food into China. Bananas originated from a wild tropical plant.
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar Cane
    Sugar cane originated in Southeast Asia. Sugar cane was considered a luxury.
  • 551 BCE


    Confucius's political and social philosophy became the foundation for one of humanity's greatest and most enduring civilizations. Confucianism was developed
  • 550 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Established a massive Persian Empire, which ran across the northern Middle East and into northwestern India
  • 500 BCE


    Buddhism spread along trade routes
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander / Alexandria

    Alexander / Alexandria
    Alexander defeats Persians, end of the Persian empire.
    Alexandria was founded. It was a hub of international trade.
  • 322 BCE

    Chandragupta Maurya

    (322-298) Founder of the Maurya dynasty; established first empire in Indian Subcontinent following the invasion of Alexander the great
  • 200 BCE


    Cloves were another important part of the spice trade
  • 167 BCE

    Roman Conquest

    Rome begins conquest in eastern Mediterranean
  • 130 BCE

    Silk Road

    The Silk Road is a network of trade routes. This was established by the Han Dynasty
  • 100 BCE


    Pearls were popular due to the size and ease of transport. Pearls were used as jewelry and also crushed to be used as medicine.
  • 100 BCE


    Peppercorns are believed to have originated in India. Pepper was another major spice during the spice trade.
  • 100 BCE


    Silk was a major item traded along Indian Ocean Trade routes
  • 200

    Development of Porcelain

  • 202

    Han Dynasty Founded

    Han Dynasty Founded
    The Han era brought the growth of great cities, the expansion of trade, the mercantile classes, and the new surge of inventiveness
  • 264

    Punic Wars

    264-146 Punic Wars
    Rome developed its own Navy for the first time.
  • 384


    384-322 Greek Philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; taught based on observation of phenomena in material world
  • 400

    Era of Xunzi

    The Art of War
    Xunzi's ideas transformed warfare in China
  • 444


    Chinese Court astronomers developed an accurate calendar based on a year of 365.5 days
  • 500


    Cinnamon was shipped though the Indian Ocean
  • 700

    Brahman Dominance

    700-550 Era of Brahman dominance.