townshend acts

By Emicarr
  • townshend acts passes by parliament

    townshend acts passes by parliament
    In June of 1767 the parliament passed the townshend acts. the acts placed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Boston used violence to force the people into abiding by the townshend acts.
  • Duties come into effect

    On November 20, 1767 the acts were at last coming to order. Many people were upset by the acts, but had no choice to follow them otherwise there could have been violence.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    A group of british soldiers fired into a crowd of people who were protesting against the townshend acts. They ended up killing 5 people during this time.
  • end of townshend acts

    end of townshend acts
    On April 12, 1770 the parliament decided to erase the townshend acts and only leave the tax on tea.
  • tea tax

    Parliament passed the Tea Act, which grants the British East
    India Company exclusive rights to sell tea in America
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Colonists dressed at native americans and boarded a british boat dumping gallons apon gallons of tea into the ocean. This was all caused by the original townshend acts because tea was taxed starting during the townshend acts.