
Towards Partition And Pakistan

  • The Lahore Resolution

    A Muslim league session was held in Lahore 1940 to put a forward the resolution demanding a separate homeland for the Muslims to live in peace and harmony.
  • Gandhi sympathization with the Britsh

    Gandhi requested for complete independence from the British rule. He stated that British's behavior towards India has filled him with great pain. He believed that he needs to persuade British to end their control over India.
  • The Cripps Proposals

    Being headed by Sir Stafford Cripps ,this mission was sent to India to negiotate with the Indian leaders and to reach a compromise to win support from the Muslims and Hindus for the war effort. However, it failed with the rejection of Hindus and Muslims over the proposal.
  • The Quit India Movement

    This Movement was a non-violent protest led by Gandhi and other members of Congress to persuade the British to leave so hence,Indians can live in freedom within the subcontinent.The next day, all the congress leaders were arrested by the government and huge damage was made in order to stop the movement.Mr. Jinnah reacted to this movement by saying that Hindus were just driving British out as a mean of gaining control in India.
  • The Jinnah-Gandhi Talks

    After Gandhi was released from jail, he and Mr. Jinnah decided to meet to discuss about the future of India after the British departure .Mr. Jinnah took this meeting as an opportunity to convince the Hindus to accept Lahore Resolution for the Muslims. But despite that, the talk was unsuccessful as Gandhi refused to accept the two nation theory and the division of all India.
  • The Failure Of Simla Conference

    After the WW2 ended, British faced horrible economic and social problems. As British power weakened, It was realized that they could no longer keep India under their control. Likewise, Viceroy's council was formed for transferring the power from British to the Indians. However ,Simla Conference failed with the refusal of both the Congress and the Muslim league.
  • The Elections Of 1945-46

    Clement Attlee announced the setting up of elections to both provincial and central assemblies in India. The Elections were to show just how much India will be divided. The Muslim league won the votes of the entire Muslim community which proved that Muslim League had succeeded in getting their message about 'separate Muslim state' to all over the Muslim population. It was clear now that every agreement or decision made in India will need to have an approval from the Muslim league.
  • The Direct Day

    In order to move Muslims ,Hindus and the British towards the formation of Pakistan, it was believed by Mr. Jinnah that they need show their (Muslims) strength to British and Hindus. On the Direct action day ,Mr. Jinnah announced that Muslims needs to prepare for the final struggle against the Hindus and British by carrying out instructions told by Jinnah in a discipline manner. This demonstration caused much violence in Calcutta due to which thousands of people were
  • The Cabinet Mission Plan

    This Plan was British's last effort to keep India united. They sent out a three-member cabinet mission who will bring progress by discussing with Indian leaders on certain political matters. They made their own proposal which failed with the objection of Congress(on the matter of grouping the provinces)and Muslim League (on the partition of large provinces).Hence the Cabinet Plan was dropped.
  • Lord Mountbattens Decision towards Partition

    The decision was left on Lord Mountbatten to how partition will take place and when. It was advised that India should be divided in India and Pakistan ,who will get dominion status however, Bengal and Punjab will be divided among them. This was accepted by all the political leaders who were representing different communities,.
  • The Independence Act

    This Act, being passed by the British Parliament ,stated that the end of British Raj in India will allow the partition of India into two dominion states which will have complete freedom to pass any law, policy or act. On 15 August India will declare its independence.
  • Independence Day

    Muslims and Hindus of the subcontinent were finally divided and were given freedom from the British .On 8 August, Jinnah flew to Karachi with his sister. Mr. Jinnah explained that this day in history is when Muslims were given complete freedom and a separate identity to live and practice their religion peacefully.
  • The Radcliffe Award

    This was the final plan over the division of territory among the two states Pakistan and India.The princely states that surrounded Pakistan and India had the choice to be a part of any of the two states. Most of them were had a Hindu majority population while some of them were forcefully taken by India. Delay of Kashmir's decision on joining India or Pakistan caused dispute among the two states which still hasn't been resolved.
  • Quaid e Azam Passing Away

    Due to a serious chronic disease, Quaid e Azam's heath was worsening as time passed. When his health further deteriorated, he passed away of 11th September, leaving a feeling of loss among many Muslims of Pakistan