Pakistan resolution

Towards Partition and Pakistan 1940-1947

  • 1940 Pakistan resolution

    1940 Pakistan resolution
    In 1940 in Lahore 100,000 Muslims gathered to listen Mr Jinnah's speech of 1940. He said that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations they have a different mindset and a different Religion. The 1940 resolution had a demands of Allama Iqbal's Allahbad Address. He told us that he would like to see the view of the country into a single state and he explained the identity of Muslims and Hindus. This event took place in 23 March 1940.
  • Role of Women and Students in the Pakistan Movement ,1942

    Role of Women and Students in the Pakistan Movement ,1942
    After the Pakistan Resolution Jinnah wanted to gain more supporters for the Pakistan Movement and wanted women and children to also take part as it would further unite the Muslims and these children would be the future of Pakistan and without women the creation of Pakistan would be severely difficult,. So Mr Jinnah took tours of educational institutions to recruit students. Many female leaders such Fatima Jinnah, Shaista Ikramullah and Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan came forward.
  • The Congress response to the Lahore resolution

    The Congress response to the Lahore resolution
    The congress responded that India will not be divided into two separate states. They wanted whole of India and they wanted self rule and wanted India to remain united
  • The Cripps Proposals

    The Cripps Proposals
    Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British government to talk to the Indian leaders to obtain their cooperation and Loyalty for Britain's war efforts in world war 2. The Indians were sure about that they would gain self rule after the war was over. But the Cripps Proposals were failed because they were rejected by both Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi didn't wanted India to be separated into two separate nations but Gandhi immediately told all the Indians to go outside and rule themselves
  • The Quit India Movement of 1942

    The Quit India Movement of 1942
    The Quit Movement is meant to disturb the British government but one day on 8 August 1942 they protested the British government but the next day on 9 August 1942 the government arrested Mr Gandhi and Mr Nehru and most of the congress leaders. But The movement came to an end because a lot of damage took but Mr Jinnah's reaction was to divide the country and to leave India
  • The Jinnah Gandhi Talks

    The Jinnah Gandhi Talks
    When Gandhi was released from jail a meeting was held between him and Mr Jinnah. Mr Rajogopalachari held this meeting so that thry both can decide what to do. Mr Jinnah wanted India to be divided into two separate countries but Gandhi was not willing to divide India into two separate countries. The talks were unsuccessful as Mr Jinnah wanted a complete acceptance of the Lahore resolution of 1940 in the agreement.
  • World war 2 comes to an end

    World war 2 comes to an end
    When the World War 2 was over Viceroy Wavell called all Indian parties to a Simla conference in 1945 and made offered the parties to form a council which would be the government.The council would include the British Viceroy himself and the army chief.But the Simla conference failed because of two reasons. Mr Jinnah demanded that it was the Muslim leagues rights to choose the Muslims in the council. But the congress said that they take Muslims in the congress so they had to end the conference
  • Period: to

    Election of 1945-46

    Clement Attlee announced the elections in India which all parties decided to participate. The election tells them their future of the Indian subcontinent and its partition into two nations. The elections resulted Muslim league's success. The Muslim league performed well in the elections. Muslim league won by entire Muslim vote and congress won by entire non-Muslim votes
  • Direct Action Day

    Direct Action Day
    Jinnah and Muslim League who had accepted the cabinet mission plan and were upset by their talks. As a result the Muslim league rejected the plan and Jinnah announced the Direct action day on 16 August 1946. After the speech many people protested .The cabinet mission plan failed to resolve the plan of freedom. PM Clement Attlee decided to give freedom to the Indians so he chose a date on June 1948 and he quickly chose Lord Mountbatten to give Indians freedom as quickly as possible.
  • The Cabinet Mission Plan

    The Cabinet Mission Plan
    In March 1946, The British made a last attempt to keep India United. They sent cabinet mission members which included lord Pethick-Lawrence, Sir Stafford and A V. Alexander. The three members spent weeks in discussion with the Indian leaders .When there was no progress the Mission announced their plan. Congress refused the grouping of provinces while the Muslim league refused to partition large provinces, the agreement failed. The plan was to make the government .The overall result was deadlock.
  • Independence and Partition

    Independence and Partition
    Lord Mountbatten was to be the viceroy to govern partition on conditions.He talked to the main leaders and the decision for him was that how and when will the partition take place. He planned to accept Pakistan but Nehru rejected it and thought that if Pakistan is accepted then the other states would either join Pakistan or demand independence. Punjab and Bengal were to be divided and partition brought one year forward. It was presented to all communities and the league accepted it
  • Independence for India

    Independence for India
    on 15 August 1947 India came into being finally ending the British Raj in the Indian- subcontinent
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    Mountbatten wanted to be the Governor General for India and Pakistan both but Jinnah appointed himself the Governor-General, which would allow Pakistan to differ and be recognized as a nation.. On 7 August 1947 he flew to Karachi for to take oath. The long dream for a separate nation had been fulfilled on 14 August 1947
  • Quaid e Azam

    Quaid e Azam
    Mr Jinnah had a vision for Pakistan which was that every citizen would be equal , a nation free of corruption and bribery and despite his failing health he worked day and night for his country. On 11 September 1948 he passed away causing the whole country to be filled with grief.