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Towards Partition and Pakistan

  • The Lahore Resolution

    The Lahore Resolution
    The Lahore Resolution was a three-day general session. The All India Muslim League gave a concrete shape to the desire of the Muslims for a separate state at a historic meeting at Lahore.
  • The Cripps Proposals

    The Cripps Proposals
    he Cripps Mission was sent by the British Government to negotiate with the Indian leaders to gain their cooperation and loyalty for Britain's war efforts in WW2.
  • The Quit India Movement

    The Quit India Movement
    The Quit India movement was made right after Congress rejected the Cripps proposals in 1942. The movement was meant to disrupt the working of the British government but Congress only got one day to do so.
  • The Jinnah-Gandhi Talks

    The Jinnah-Gandhi Talks
    A meeting between Mr.Jinnah and Gandhi was set up for Gandhi to accept a separate state for Muslims so that they could reach an agreement. The talks were unsuccessful.
  • World War 2 Comes To An End

    World War 2 Comes To An End
    After WW2 ended, the move for the start of Indian 'swaraj' would start. Clement Attlee was adament that India is given independence as soon as possible.
  • The Election Of 1945-46

    The Election Of 1945-46
    Clement Attlee announced the elections to both the Central and Provincial assemblies in India which all parties decided to contest. The results proved momentous as they decided the future of the Indian subcontinent. The elections showed that the Muslim League was successful in convincing Muslims that a separate Muslim state was the only solution. Muslim League won the entire Muslim vote while Congress won all non-Muslim votes.
  • The Cabinet Mission Plan

    The Cabinet Mission Plan
    The British government made a last attempt to keep a united India. It sent out a three-member Cabinet Mission: Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and Lord A.V Alexander. The members spent many weeks in discussion with Indian political leaders but when no progress was made, they announced their own plan.
  • Direct Action Day

    Direct Action Day
    The Muslim League and Quaid-e-Azam were frustrated by the negotiations between the Congress and British, who made it seem like they didn't agree with the idea of Pakistan. So they rejected the Cabinet Mission's plan and announced a Direct Action Day- Thousands lost their lives.
  • Independence And Partition

    Independence And Partition
    Lord Mountbatten accepted the position of the last viceroy of India. His allowance for Pakistan was rejected by Nehru, which was then resolved by V.P Menon. All parties accepted the partition plan.
  • The Independence Act

    The Independence Act
    With Congress and the Muslim League's acceptance of the 3rd June Plan, the British Parliament passed the Independence Act in July. It marked the end of the British Raj. Everything was divided between Pakistan and India.
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    Quaid-e-Azam was made the first governor-general of Pakistan. This would make the world view Pakistan as a sovereign, independent state. On 7th August, Quaid-e-Azam flew to Karachi to be sworn as Governor-general of the nation he founded.