The Invention of the Caravel
Because of the invention of the caravel, travel between continents was made possible. This was due to the Renaissance because the Renaissance was all about rebirth and making old things new, which is what happened with traveling ships when the caravel was created. -
The Age of Discovery
The Age of Discovery was started by the conquerors from European countries that intended to explore new lands. This was started because of the Renaissance idea that people should evolve intellectually. -
The Columbian Exchange
The columbian exchange is known as the agricultural exchange between the New World and the Old World. However, other things, like sicknesses, were exchanged during this time as well. Columbus started this exchange on his expedition. -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus Sets Sail
The Renaissance inspired many people to explore new territories. Christopher Columbus was one of these people. He ended up traveling to North America and “discovered” the New World and the Native Americans there. -
Martin Luther
Martin Luther starts observing the ways of the Catholic Church. He doesn’t agree with the way they had been running things. -
The Selling of Indulgences
Indulgences were things that the Popes used to award people when they had done riotous deeds. They helped lessen the time a person spent in purgatory. The Popes started selling these to people during the Renaissance to support their lifestyles as patrons. -
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro was another conqueror that was influenced by the Renaissance. He traveled to South America in search of gold and silver. -
The Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther wrote and posted 95 Theses about the misdoings of the Catholic Church. He speaks about how they shouldn’t be selling indulgences. -
Lutheranism was born. This denomination of the Christian faith closely follows the beliefs of Martin Luther. It was born due to the Protestant Reformation. -
This, like Lutheranism, is a branch of Protestantism, but it adds new ideas and refutes some of the old ones. John Calvin, the creator of Calvinism, produced new ideas about salvation, including that there was a set amount of souls that could be granted salvation.