Top ten dates for dynamite

  • Invention of dynamite

    Invention of dynamite
    Swedish chemistry inventor, Alfred Nobel, invents dynamite. Dynamite was invented in Britain in a laboratory. A failed experiment in 1864 had killed Alfred Nobel's youngest brother, Emil Nobel because of a dynamite explosion. The tragic death had an influence to the great awards that we call today, the "Nobel prize" award. (Alfred Nobel was 44 when he created dynamite)
  • First detonator invented for dynamite

    First detonator invented for dynamite
    Dynamite researcher H. Julias Smith invents the first blasting cap which is a detonator for dynamite. It was a safer way to detonate dynamite. Instead of using a lighter to start of the explosive, a detonator can be used far away from the blast radius which is a much more safer way of using dynamite.
  • First dynamite factory in Britain

    First dynamite factory in Britain
    The first dynamite factory in Britain was located in London. It was the first factory in the world to start production on dynamite. It was opened by business owners who worked under the watch of Alfred Nobel, as it was all owned by himself.
  • First use of dynamite in a war

    First use of dynamite in a war
    Dynamite was first used in the war of the Franco-Germans. France had used dynamite during the war, this gave them the upper advantage to succeeding in the such fierce war. Dynamite could explode big groups of people within the blast radius and can blow up, heavy vehicles such as a mobile tanks.
  • First recorded building destroyed by dynamite

    First recorded building destroyed by dynamite
    First recorded building structure demolished by dynamite in Britain. A partly collapsing building in 1883 was demolished through explosive. It was an apartment building that had suffered to an earthquake, the structure could not have been fixed or reconstructed, so it was demolished by official demolitions with the tool of dynamite.
  • Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite passes away

    Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite passes away
    Swedish inventor, Alfred Nobel dies at the age of 63 from a heart attack. From his poor hygiene, the 63-year-old died of a heart attack in his sleep. His business was handed down to his closest family (Mother) and his closest partner in work.
  • Dynamite is used to fight fires in San Fransisco

    Dynamite is used to fight fires in San Fransisco
    Firefighters use dynamite to fight fires in America, San Francisco. During the devastating fires in San Francisco, fires were reaching the top of buildings and the only way to cut them out was by destroying the building. Water hoses could not reach the top of the buildings.
  • Terrorist attack on Wall street

    Terrorist attack on Wall street
    Terrorist attack on Wall street, 30 dead, 100 pounds (45 kilograms) of Dynamite was used for explosion. A terrorist exploded 45 kilograms of dynamite and destroyed partial of Wall street. The cost to recover all the destroyed buildings and vehicles were just over 50 million dollars in AUZ currency.
  • Dynamite used to help carve Mount Rushmore

    Dynamite used to help carve Mount Rushmore
    Dynamite was used to help create and carve Mount Rushmore, more then 90% of Mount Rushmore was carved with Dynamite. Dynamite was used to help carve out the bulky heads of the statues. It played a big role and saved designers time instead of only using pickaxes to form the mountain. About 500 kilograms of dynamite was used to help the magnificent statue.
  • 95% of Americans use dynamite as explosives

    95% of Americans use dynamite as explosives
    95% of USA use dynamite as explosives. Dynamite was the key explosive in 1950. It was the cheapest and the most affordable explosive on the market at the time. Dynamite had replaced Gun powder. (Black powder) Gun powder was a very expensive explosive and it was very hard for the mining industry to supply. Only 5% of Americans used gun (black) powder.