• Steam Machine

    Steam Machine
    Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine.
  • The Automobile

    The Automobile
    n 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was invented by French mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin is a machine that seperates seeds,etc.
  • The Light Bulb

    The Light Bulb
    n 1878, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, an English physicist, was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electic lightbulb (13.5 hours) with a carbon fiber filament.
  • The Sewing Machine

    The Sewing Machine
    The first functional sewing machine was invented by the French tailor, Barthelemy Thimonnier, in 1830. In 1834, Walter Hunt built America's first (somewhat) successful sewing machine.
  • THe Camera

    THe Camera
    Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), a great authority on optics in the Middle Ages who lived around 1000AD, invented the first pinhole camera, (also called the Camera
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    The telephone is an instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location, where another telephone receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into recognizable sounds.
  • Television

    In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution. Television then evolved along two paths, mechanical based on Nipkow's rotating disks, and electronic based on the cathode ray tube.
  • Penicillin

    Penicillin is one of the earliest discovered and widely used antibiotic agents, derived from the Penicillium mold.
  • The Smart Thermostat

    The Smart Thermostat
  • Near-Field Communication (NFC)

    Near-Field Communication (NFC)
    This is a fantastic and the most advanced mobile payment technology used to pay for transactions.
  • Quad-Core Processors

    Quad-Core Processors
    This technology already used in some latest tablets will accelerate processing power for games whilst also saving battery life as with a quad-core processor on your phone, you can check e-mails when closing down some of the programs.