The Declartion of Independence
The eclartion of Independence was made. The people who made it were the Founding Fathers. They made the constituion because they wanted freedomn over Briten. There was a war but eventually the 13 colineys were made into states and made the USA. -
Civil War
What happend was South Carolina wanted to with draw from from the Union. Eventually other states in the south had followed. They made the Confederate states. Eventually the Civil War started. The Union who belived in freedom agansit slavery and the Confederate States who belived in slavery. During the war thousands of people died, familys were divided, and propety destroyed. The warf lasted from 1861 until 1864. The Union had won and there was no more slavery. -
The Great Deperation
In the mid 1930's the stokc markety had crashed. Milllions of Americans were out of work. The president at the time. Franklin D. Roosevelt made a plan top hlep get Americans back to work. To help end the Great Depersion. By the end of the 1930's The econemy had revovered. Hoever the Great Depression ended in the US until World War II -
World War II
Japan bombed Peral Harbor. That ment we were blind on the West side. That gave Japan a adveantage because they sneek attcked the US. We were blind. We ended the war with Japan with the use of two bombs. America made three. The one that was not used was Junior. After the bombing that America had don to Japan. Japan surrenderd and the US won. -
Global Political Issues
Terrorism became a big issue for America because 9/11/01 was the day America was under attack. Iraq terrorist attcked the the US. America was at war for 10 years agansit Iraq.