
Top 10 Most Important Historical Events

  • Period: to

    Important Events

  • Start of the Seven Years War

    Start of the Seven Years War
    The first major world conflict where most of the world's countries are fighting one another. With war declared on the Holy Roman Empire, the battle began. A long fight for power over the rest of the world.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    With this amazing invention, clothing industries produced clothes at much faster rates. Cloth was woven and ready to be sold to the people at more acceptable rates and made clothes making that much easier. With this, the beginning for other new and effective inventions was established.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was the final definant act of the Americans against the British before the Revolutionary war. Late at night, few men dressed as indians and boarded a British ship. They dumped every last bit of British tea into the ocean as if to say, "We don't need you anymore."
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, America not established itself as free, independent country. With its own laws and regulations, America no longer took direction from Great Britain. America finally became a great independent nation.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Finally fed up with its ruler, France declared war on the monarchs. With living conditions in miserable shape and low supply of food, citizens were ready to stand up for their right to better lives. They refused to continue living the way they were. The French citizens declared war on the Monarchs for the right to better lives and more freedom in government.
  • Start of the Civil War

    Start of the Civil War
    A bloody war between the North and the South of the United States of America. A fight to earn the rights to live the way each side wanted without the other's opinion or suggestions. Also, though not the original intention, the end of slavery took place after the horrific battle. This war re-combined the North and South into one country/nation again.
  • Abolotion of Slavery in the U.S.A

    Abolotion of Slavery in the U.S.A
    With the end of the Civil War also came with the end of slavery. Many african-americans were finally set free after long years of serving their captors. However, slavery will always remain as a dark spot in America's history.
  • The Meiji Restoration

    The Meiji Restoration
    Due to the Restoration, Japan began to become a modernized country. In addition, Japan was no longer isolated from the rest of the world and re-opened trade and communication with the other countries.
  • The Pacific Railroad

    The Pacific Railroad
    The first transcontinental railroad ever to be built in the world. It strech from Iowa to the Pacific Ocean across Californa. Transportation was made easier and more effective for the Americans.
  • Beginning of World War I

    Beginning of World War I
    The battle for power, control of other countries, and to prove who is superior. Alliances and betryals were common, along with high death numbers. This war is also known as The Great War.