Top 10 Inventions

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Invented by James Watt, the steam engine has changed the world forever and is my #1 invention from the Industrial Revolution. It created jobs and drew many people to cities. The steam engine also increased transportation which led to quicker transfers of resources and goods.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine, #8 on my top 10 inventions from the Industrial Revolution, made sewing much quicker and easier. Invented by Elias Howe, the sewing machine allowed workers to make linen and other such goods at a quicker rate and allowed for more goods to be delivered.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    My #4 invention from the Industrial Revolution, the cotton gin increased the growth of cotton as well as made it easier to remove cotton seeds. Invented by Eli Whitney, the cotton gin boosted the economy though unfortunately led to an increase in slave labor.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    My #7 on my top 10 inventions from the Industrial Revolution, interchangeable parts made manufacturing goods, such as guns, much easier. Invented by Eli Whitney, interchangeable parts created more jobs by allowing more people to work on separate parts and also made repairing objects much easier.
  • Steamboat

    The steamboat, invented by Robert Fulton is #5 on my top 10 Inventions from the Industrial Revolution. The steamboat made transportation much easier and made trading goods overseas much quicker.
  • Dynamite

    Invented by Alfred Noble, dynamite had a lasting effect mainly on the mining industry. #10 on my top 10 inventions from the Industrial Revolution, dynamite made mining easier by exploding the minerals and making it easier for people to fit underground.
  • Typewriter

    Invented by Christopher Sholes, the typewriter made writing much quicker. #9 on my top 10 inventions from the Industrial Revolution, the typewriter allowed articles and books to be published faster and allowed ideas to spread quicker. Christopher Sholes and others invented the first commercially successful typewriter.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone allowed communication by long distances. My #3 Invention from the revolution, the telephone has made messages much easier and quicker to transfer.
  • Light Bulb

    Light Bulb
    My #2 invention from the Industrial Revolution, the light bulb made the world a brighter place. Invented by Thomas Edison, the light bulb has become one of the most used inventions of all time.
  • Airplane

    The airplane, invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright, is #6 on my top 10 inventions from the Industrial Revolution. The airplane made transportation much quicker and also proved very useful in war.