The Birth of Jesus and Christainity
The birth of Jesus spawned the biggest modern religion in the world, Christianity. After Jesus was born he started teaching The New Testament and would create the largest religion in the world as of now. The religion would lead to many wars and many deaths by the followers of it. It has influenced many, whether being victims of those who are radical or those who go to church every Sunday. This all happened because of Jesus. Today it is still the largest religion and shares many ties with Islam. -
Birth of Islam and Mohammed
Perhaps the most controversial religion of recent, Islam the largest growing religion in the world. This is important because as of recent, it has been the subject of terrorism and radical Islam. When Mohammed, Islams prophet, was born, so was the religion as like Jesus he spread it. The impact it has made is apparent with over 1.6 billion followers. But it has spawned ISIS and Al Queda who have used it to promote violence. They have killed many in the prophets name and shall continue. Source. -
Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution paved the way for a more modern world a bit more distant from agriculture. This is an important to event because it is how modern society creates new things and provides jobs for millions. The industrial revolution first occurred in Britain, with the idea of being able to mass produce something without much effort. Before that everything was homemade and took a long time and a great deal of effort. With machines this could be made simple and make many many more. Notes. -
Medical Revolution
I chose this event because it modernized medicine. John Hopkins changed the world of medicine forever. Before he came along, students were taught in trade schools, and after 2 or 3 years could practice medicine. When John came along, he made it hard for students to be doctors, with upgrades in the science aspect and rigorous entrance exams. He also made it so that doctors would work at the bedside and do laboratory research. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/about/history/history3.html www.rsc.org -
World War 1
It all started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. I chose this because this is the first war of the worlds, the first large war with many countries. After the archduke of Austria was assassinated, it triggered many secret alliances as well as two main war groups, the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance. This war would kill around 25 million and the Treaty of Versailles for Germany would be a factor in an even bigger war, WW2. Turnbull notes WW1. -
World War 2
The Second World War is often considered the worst, and has many of the same countries involved. This event is important as the biggest conflict the world has ever known. When a bitter Germany invaded Piland, it triggered the Second World War. Over the course of 6 years, Germany, Italy and Japan would go against the U.S., Britian, The Soviet Union and France. When it was over after around 70 million deaths, the U.S. would emerge a world power and the Cold War would begin. Turnbull WW2 notes. -
Man Lands on the Moon
Forever shall the words be known, "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Going to moon, while not inherently important, was proof that we as humans can colonize space. In 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz went to space on a rocket and landed on the moon. This was apart of the Cold War as well as a race to space U.S. against the Soviets Union. While the Soviets got to space first, the U.S. got to the moon first and landed. Source -
The September 11th Attacks
I chose 9/11 because it really brought terrorism from the Middle East to the public. Before that, airport security was lax and not as secure. On September 11th many planes were hijacked and hit the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. One also tried to attack the white house but it was stopped by passengers on board. It happened as Osama Bin Laden felt the U.S. was evil. It was a reason to spy on Americans. http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2011/09/911-the-day-of-the-attacks/100143/ -