Sleeping 12 months
About 12 1/2 to 13 3/4 hours. Sleep continues to total 10 to 11 hours at night, plus two daytime naps that may be getting a bit shorter. -
cuteeBy his/her first birthday, your child will probably begin to use one or two words meaningfully. Over the next few months, he'll try to copy words, and you may hear him babbling away as if he's having a real conversation. He'll even practice speech sounds, raising his tone when asking a question. He might say "Up-py?" -
19 to 24 months
Your child now understands simple commands and questions. Each month she'll add more words to her vocabulary. Many of these words will be nouns that designate objects in her daily life, such as "spoon" and "car." -
31 to 36 months
By the time he turns 3, your child will be a more sophisticated talker. She'll be able to carry on a sustained conversation and adjust her tone, speech patterns, and vocabulary to fit the person she's talking to. For instance, she'll often use simpler words with a peer ("I need go potty") but more complex constructions with you ("I need to go to the bathroom"). She'll also understand simple rules of grammar and use plurals and pronouns correctly. -
Little Fun
Walking 12 to 18 months
Most children take their first steps around their first birthday, but the normal range for reaching this milestone is very broad. -
Walking 25 to 30 months
By the time he's 2, your child has grown so confident of his ambling abilities that he now takes part in games like tag and ring-around-the-rosy. His steps are becoming more even, and he's getting the hang of the smooth heel-toe motion that adults use. At this age your toddler probably also enjoys jumping and climbing. Now's a good time to decide what you want the rules to be about leaping all over the furniture. -
31 to 36 months Walking
There are still some actions – like balancing on a curb or standing on one foot – that require concentration and effort, but by the time your child's third birthday rolls around, walking is second nature to him -
18 months sleeping
18 monthsAbout 12 1/2 to 13 1/2 hours. By now, your toddler's morning nap is probably kaput, but thankfully she'll probably hang on to that afternoon nap for another couple of years. Most kids this age still sleep about 10 to 11 hours at night. -
25 to 30 months
Now that he has a bigger vocabulary, your toddler will begin to experiment with sound levels. For a while he may yell when he means to speak normally and whisper softly when answering a question, but he'll find the appropriate volume soon enough. -
19 to 24 months
As your child becomes more sure on his feet, he'll start to feel more comfortable walking while holding something in his hands, such as a ball or a stuffed animal. He'll also challenge himself by carrying heavier loads, so don't be surprised if you catch him trying to lift something too heavy for him, such as a briefcase. He'll also be thrilled to discover that he can run, not just walk, from one place to another. -
Eatting Time