The Baby Is Born
13 to 15 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-May stand erect with only slight support
-Crawls over small barriers
-May be able to back downstairs
Small Motor Skills
-Can open small, hinged box
-May try to turn doorknobs -
13 to 15 Months. Intellectual
-Begins to form concepts
-Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
-Slowly increases vocab. to four to six words
-May attempt to imitate words to others say -
16 to 18 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-May be able to walk sideways
-Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
Small Motor Skills
-May show hand preference in all activities
-May turn Knobs of radio and TV -
16 to 18 Months. Intellectual
-Gradually refines concepts
-Enjoys working with shapes on form board
-Has short attention span
-Vocab increases to six to ten words
-Refers to self by name when asked
-May use two-word phrases -
19 to 21 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-Runs without falling often
-Loves to run, jump, and climb
Short Motor Skills
-Holds two objects in easily
-Builds tower of five or six blocks
-Uses one hand more than other -
19 to 21 Months Intellectual
-Is interested in tiny things such as bugs
-Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures
-Has vocab of 20 words
-Responds to speech with speech
-combines two different words -
22 to 24 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-walks with more coordination and assurance
-Jumps with both feet off the floor
-Can throw ball into basket
Small Motor Skills
-Likes to play with modeling clay
-snips paper with scissors -
22 to 24 Months. Intellectual
-identifies familiar objects on TV screen
-May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
-Has more of 50 vocab or more words
-Is able to ask for things using simple words
-Is interested in sound repetition -
24 to 30 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-Climbs everywhere
-Kicks ball forward
-Throws ball overhead but without aiming -
24 to 30 Months. Intellectual
-Likes to imitate drawings of older children
-Solves problems by imitating past actions
-Uses two-word sentences
-Enjoys learning names for new objects -
30 to 36 Months. Physical
Large Motor Skills
-Enjoys games involving running
-Climbing quickly on jungle gym to reach the top
Short Motor Skills
-Turns doorknobs with greater strength
-Strings large beads
-Makes mud pies and sand castles -
30 to 36 Months. Intellectual
-Recognizes self photographs
-Can remember and follow three-step commands
-Starts to use past tense and plurals
-Ask names of objects and repeats them
-Uses personal pronouns correctly